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Created March 24, 2011 03:11
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(defparameter *num-players* 2)
(defparameter *max-dice* 3)
(defparameter *board-size* 2)
(defparameter *board-hexnum* (* *board-size* *board-size*))
(defun board-array (lst)
(make-array *board-hexnum* :initial-contents lst))
(defun gen-board ()
(board-array (loop for n below *board-hexnum*
collect (list (random *num-players*)
(1+ (random *max-dice*))))))
(defun player-letter (n)
(code-char (+ 97 n)))
(defun draw-board (board)
(loop for y below *board-size*
do (progn (fresh-line)
(loop repeat (- *board-size* y)
do (princ " "))
(loop for x below *board-size*
for hex = (aref board (+ x (* *board-size* y)))
do (format t "~a-~a " (player-letter (first hex))
(second hex))))))
(defun game-tree (board player spare-dice first-move)
(list player
(add-passing-move board
(attacking-moves board player spare-dice))))
(defun add-passing-move (board player spare-dice first-move moves)
(if first-move
(cons (list nil
(game-tree (add-new-dice board player (1- spare-dice))
(mod (1+ player) *num-players*)
(defun attacking-moves (board cur-player spare-dice)
(labels ((player (pos)
(car (aref board pos)))
(dice (pos)
(cadr (aref board pos))))
(mapcan (lambda (src)
(when (eq (player src) cur-player)
(mapcan (lambda (dst)
(when (and (not (eq (player dst) cur-player))
(> (dice src) (dice dst)))
(list (list src dst)
(game-tree (board-attack board cur-player src dst (dice src))
(+ spare-dice (dice dst))
(neighbors src))))
(loop for n below *board-hexnum*
collect n))))
(defun neighbors (pos)
(let ((up (- pos *board-size*))
(down (+ pos *board-size*)))
(loop for p in (append (list up down)
(unless (zerop (mod pos *board-size*))
(list (1- up) (1- pos)))
(unless (zerop (mod (1+ pos) *board-size*))
(list (1+ pos) (1+ down))))
when (and (>= p 0) (< p *board-hexnum*))
collect p)))
(defun board-attack (board player src dst dice)
(board-array (loop for pos from 0
for hex across board
collect (cond ((eq pos src) (list player 1))
((eq pos dst) (list player (1- dice)))
(t hex)))))
(defun add-new-dice (board player spare-dice)
(labels ((f (lst n)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
((zerop n) nil)
(t (let ((cur-player (caar lst))
(cur-dice (cadar lst)))
(if (and (eq cur-player player) (< cur-dice *max-dice*))
(cons (list cur-player (1+ cur-dice))
(f (cdr lst) (1- n)))
(cons (car lst) (f (cdr lst) n))))))))
(board-array (f (coerce board 'list) spare-dice))))
(defun play-vs-human (tree)
(print-info tree)
(if (caddr tree)
(play-vs-human (handle-human tree))
(announce-winner (cadr tree))))
(defun print-info (tree)
(format t "current player = ~a" (player-letter (car tree)))
(draw-board (cadr tree)))
(defun handle-human (tree)
(princ "choose your move:")
(let ((moves (caddr tree)))
(loop for move in moves
for n from 1
do (let ((action (car move)))
(format t "~a. " n)
(if action
(format t "~a -> ~a" (car action) (cadr action))
(princ "end turn"))))
(cadr (nth (1- (read)) moves))))
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