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Created March 26, 2012 20:10
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(ns expimp.core
(:use [korma.core]
(defdb src (mysql
{:db "xx"
:user "xx" :password "xx"
:host ""}))
(defdb target (postgres {:db "xx" :user "xx" :password "xx"}))
(defentity ceps_src
(table :CEPS)
(database src))
(defentity ceps_target
(table :CEPS)
(database target))
;takes every l rows from db. the them offseting it (((0 + o) + o) + ...)
(defn fetch-every [l o] (-> (select* ceps_src) (limit l) (order :cep :ASC) (offset o)))
(defn extract-every
"q is a fn that represents a query. q is a fn that takes 2 args, one for limit
(l) and one for offset (o).
Returns a lazy seq that stops when there is no more results for q."
([q l] (extract-every q l 0))
([q l o]
(when-let [ret (seq (select (q l o)))]
(cons ret (lazy-seq (extract-every q l (+ o l)))))))
;use #(persist % true) to dry-run the insert
(defn persist [v & d]
(time (if d
(dry-run (insert ceps_target (values v)))
(insert ceps_target (values v))))
(println "Last saved" (last v)))
;; call the following from the repl:
;;(map #(persist % true) (extract-every q 20))
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