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Created February 7, 2013 02:15
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This shows how to use custom immutant init functions to load arbitrary files according to the environment the app is running. This uses a combination of: leiningen profiles + custom immutant init function + clojure's ability to evaluate scripts + some magical stuff with namespaces.
(defn handler
[r] ((build-routes) r))
(web/start handler
:reload true)
(msg/start "/queue/delivery.status")
(msg/respond "/queue/delivery.status" handle-delivery-status)
(register-job #'import-job)
(register-job #'check-import)
;register-job is function not provided here
;since the intention is tho show the configuration solution
(ns tserver.init
(:use [ :only (info error debug)]))
(defn setup-config-ns [e]
(binding [*ns* *ns*]
(in-ns 'tserver.init)
(use '[clojure.main :only (load-script)])
(require '[immutant.messaging :as msg]
'[immutant.web :as web]
'[immutant.util :as util])))
(defn load-config
"Attempts to evaluate the specified env file defined by `:env`
in the `proficel.clj`. `:env` is a immutant custom config.
`:env` MUST be a keyword: Ex.: :dev, :prod :office
Uses :dev by default.
Note: The abscence of the requrested file will prevent the server to start.
These siles MUST be located at `src/tserver/config/%s.clj"
(binding [*ns* *ns*]
(in-ns 'tserver.init)
(let [ev (get-in (immutant.registry/get :config) [:env] :dev)
config-file (format "src/tserver/config/%s.clj" (name ev))]
(setup-config-ns ev)
(info "Using config file " config-file)
(load-file config-file)
(immutant.registry/put :env ev))))
(defn init []
;;mybe do some stuff before
(load-config)) ;;maybe do some stuff after
(defproject tserver "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A foo project"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[compojure "1.0.2"]
;... and many other dependecies
:jvm-opts ["-Xmx2g" "-server"]
:immutant {:init "tserver.init/init"} ;; our custo immutant init function
:profiles {:dev {:immutant {:context-path "/"
:nrepl-port 4242
:lein-profiles [:dev]
:env :dev}}}) ;:dev will identify which config file to load
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