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Last active February 26, 2016 18:01
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With pyneo, get users whose first category of preference is sports, live in São Paulo and are males between 18 and 32 years old​
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 25 de fev de 2016
from py2neo import Graph, authenticate
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
now =
authenticate("localhost:7474", "", "")
graph = Graph()
query = "MATCH (all:User) WITH count(all) AS total "
query += "MATCH (g:Gender {name:'m'})<-[:GENDER_IS]-(user:User)-[:CITY_OF_RESIDENCE]->(c:City {name:'São Paulo'}) "
query += "MATCH (user)-[:FIRST_CATEGORY_OF_INTEREST]->(category:Category {name:'sports'}) "
query += "RETURN user, category, total"
result = graph.cypher.execute(query)
users = []
for item in result:
dob = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(item["user"]["dob"]), '%d/%m/%Y')
difference_in_years = relativedelta(now, dob).years
if difference_in_years >= 18 and difference_in_years <= 32:
data = {}
data["username"] = item["user"]["username"]
data["category"] = item["category"]["name"]
data["age"] = str(difference_in_years)
for user in users:
print user["username"] + " has " + user["age"] + " years, is male and his first category of choice is " + user["category"] + "."
if len(users) <= 0:
print "\nMatching query has no results"
elif len(users) == 1:
print "\nThere is one user from a total of %d representing %f%s of the users" %(result[0]["total"], 1 / float(result[0]["total"]) * 100, "%")
print "\nThere are %d users from a total of %d representing %f%s of the users" %(len(users), result[0]["total"], float(len(users)) / float(result[0]["total"]) * 100, "%")
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