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Forked from samskivert/HOF.scala
Last active December 15, 2015 14:59
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Save paulp/5278569 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Say we have a List of names and we would like to find all those names where "am" occurs:
// string[] names = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik" };
// List<string> filteredNames = names.Where(c => c.Contains("am"))
// .ToList();
// Java Streams
// String[] names = {"Sam","Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik"};
// List<String> filteredNames = stream(names)
// .filter(c -> c.contains("am"))
// .collect(toList());
val names = Array("Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik")
val filteredNames = names filter (_ contains "am") toList
// Find all the names in the array "names" where the length of the name is less than or equal to
// the index of the element + 1.
// string[] names = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik" };
// var nameList = names.Where((c, index) => c.Length <= index + 1).ToList();
// Java Streams
// String[] names = {"Sam","Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik"};
// List<String> nameList;
// Stream<Integer> indices = intRange(1, names.length).boxed();
// nameList = zip(indices, stream(names), SimpleEntry::new)
// .filter(e -> e.getValue().length() <= e.getKey())
// .map(Entry::getValue)
// .collect(toList());
val names = Array("Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik")
val nameList = names.toList.zipWithIndex collect { case (c, i) if c.length < i + 1 => c }
// Say we have a list of names and we would like to print “Hello” in front of all the names:
// List<string> nameList1 = new List(){ "Anders", "David", "James",
// "Jeff", "Joe", "Erik" };
// nameList1.Select(c => "Hello! " + c).ToList()
// .ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c));
// Java Streams
// List<String> nameList1 = asList("Anders", "David", "James",
// "Jeff", "Joe", "Erik");
// .map(c -> "Hello! " + c)
// .forEach(System.out::println);
// Scala
val nameList1 = List("Anders", "David", "James", "Jeff", "Joe", "Erik")
nameList1 map ("Hello! " + _) foreach println
// Suppose, we have a dictionary such that each key has a list of values attached to them. Now,
// we want to project all the elements in a single collection:
// Dictionary<string, List<string>> map = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();
// map.Add("UK", new List<string>() {"Bermingham", "Bradford", "Liverpool"});
// map.Add("USA", new List<string>() {"NYC", "New Jersey", "Boston", "Buffalo"});
// var cities = map.SelectMany(c => c.Value).ToList();
// Java Streams
// Map<String, List<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// map.put("UK", asList("Bermingham","Bradford","Liverpool"));
// map.put("USA", asList("NYC","New Jersey","Boston","Buffalo"));
// FlatMapper<Entry<String, List<String>>,String> flattener;
// flattener = (entry,consumer) -> { entry.getValue().forEach(consumer); };
// List<String> cities = map.entrySet()
// .stream()
// .flatMap( flattener )
// .collect(toList());
val map = Map("UK" -> List("Bermingham", "Bradford", "Liverpool"),
"USA" -> List("NYC", "New Jersey", "Boston", "Buffalo"))
val cities = map.values.flatten
// In this case we are interested in evaluating only the first n elements of a collection. For
// instance, using a finite list of numbers, obtain the first 4 of them.
// int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 };
// var first4 = numbers.Take(4).ToList();
// Java Streams
// int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13 };
// List<Integer> firstFour;
// firstFour = stream(numbers).limit(4)
// .boxed()
// .collect(toList());
val numbers = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
val first4 = numbers take 4 toList
// In this case we are interested in taking items out of a collection as long as they satisfy a
// predicate. Once we find an item that does not satisfy the predicate we stop there.
// string[] moreNames = { "Sam", "Samuel", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik", "Sid" };
// var sNames = moreNames.TakeWhile(c => c.StartsWith("S"));
// Java Streams
// String[] names = { "Sam","Samuel","Dave","Pascal","Erik","Sid" };
// List<String> found;
// found = stream(names).collect(partitioningBy( c -> c.startsWith("S")))
// .get(true);
val moreNames = Array("Sam", "Samuel", "Dave", "Pascal", "Erik", "Sid")
val sNames = moreNames takeWhile (_ startsWith "S") toList
// In this case we are interested in skipping items in a collection up to certain arbitrary
// number, then we keep the rest of the items.
// string[] vipNames = { "Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Remo", "Arnold","Terry" };
// var skippedList = vipNames.Skip(3).ToList();//Leaving the first 3.
// Java
// String[] vipNames = { "Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Remo", "Arnold","Terry" };
// List<String> skippedList;
// skippedList = stream(vipNames).substream(3).collect(toList());
val vipNames = Array("Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Remo", "Arnold", "Terry")
val skippedList = vipNames drop 3
// In this case we are interested in skipping items out of a collection as long as they satisfy a
// predicate. Once we find an item that does not satisfy the predicate we take the rest of the
// items from there.
// int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20 };
// var skippedList = numbers.SkipWhile(c => c < 10);
// Java
// With current streams API I found no way to implement this idiom.
val numbers = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20)
val skippedList = numbers dropWhile (_ < 10)
// Order the elements of a collection alphabetically:
// string[] friends = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik" };
// friends = friends.OrderBy(c => c).ToArray();
// Java Streams
// String[] friends = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik" };
// friends = stream(friends).sorted().toArray(String[]::new);
val friends = Array("Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik")
val sortedFriends = friends.sorted
// Order the elements of a collection strings according to the length of the string:
// string[] friends = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik" };
// friends = friends.OrderBy(c => c.Length).ToArray();
// Java Streams
// String[] friends = { "Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik" };
// friends = stream(friends)
// .sorted(comparing((ToIntFunction<String>)String::length))
// .toArray(String[]::new);
var friends = Array("Sam", "Pamela", "Dave", "Anders", "Erik")
friends = friends sortBy (_.length)
// Order the elements of a collection of strings according to several sorting criteria:
// string[] fruits = {"grape", "passionfruit", "banana",
// "apple", "orange", "raspberry",
// "mango", "blueberry" };
// var sortedFruits = fruits.OrderBy(fruit =>fruit.Length)
// .ThenBy(fruit => fruit);
// Java Streams
// String[] fruits = {"grape", "passionfruit", "banana","apple",
// "orange", "raspberry","mango", "blueberry" };
// Comparator<String> comparator;
// comparator = comparing((Function<String,Integer>)String::length,
// Integer::compare)
// .thenComparing((Comparator<String>)String::compareTo);
// fruits = stream(fruits) .sorted(comparator)
// .toArray(String[]::new);
val fruits = Array("grape", "passionfruit", "banana", "apple",
"orange", "raspberry", "mango", "blueberry")
val sortedFruits = fruits sortBy (f => (f.length, f))
// Group the elements of a collection of strings by their length.
// string[] names = {"Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Ravi", "Ratna", "Barsha"};
// var groups = names.GroupBy(c => c.Length);
// Java Streams
// String[] names = {"Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Ravi", "Ratna", "Barsha"};
// Map<Integer,List<String>> groups;
// groups = stream(names).collect(groupingBy(String::length));
val names = Array("Sam", "Samuel", "Samu", "Ravi", "Ratna", "Barsha")
val groups = names groupBy (_.length)
// Obtain all the distinct elements from a collection.
// string[] songIds = {"Song#1", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#3", "Song#1"};
// //This will work as strings implement IComparable
// var uniqueSongIds = songIds.Distinct();
// Java Streams
// String[] songIds = {"Song#1", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#3", "Song#1"};
// //according to Object.equals
// stream(songIds).distinct();
val songIds = Array("Song#1", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#2", "Song#3", "Song#1")
val uniqueSongIds = songIds.distinct
// Join together two sets of items.
// List<string> friends1 = new List<string>() {"Anders", "David","James",
// "Jeff", "Joe", "Erik"};
// List<string> friends2 = new List<string>() { "Erik", "David", "Derik" };
// var allMyFriends = friends1.Union(friends2);
// Java Streams
// List<String> friends1 = asList("Anders","David","James","Jeff","Joe","Erik");
// List<String> friends2 = asList("Erik","David","Derik");
// Stream<String> allMyFriends = concat(,
val friends1 = List("Anders", "David","James", "Jeff", "Joe", "Erik")
val friends2 = List("Erik", "David", "Derik")
val allMyFriends = friends1.toSet ++ friends2
// Obtain the first element of a collection.
// string[] otherFriends = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// string firstName = otherFriends.First();
// string firstNameConditional = otherFriends.First(c => c.Length == 5);
// Java Streams
// String[] otherFriends = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// Optional<String> found = stream(otherFriends).findFirst();
// Optional<String> maybe = stream(otherFriends).filter(c -> c.length() == 5)
// .findFirst();
// if(maybe.isPresent()) {
// //do something with found data
// }
val otherFriends = Array("Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik")
val firstName = otherFriends.head
val firstNameConditional = otherFriends find (_.length == 5)
// Generate a range of numbers that are multiples of 11.
// var multiplesOfEleven = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Where(c => c % 11 == 0);
// Java Streams
// IntStream multiplesOfEleven = intRange(1,100).filter(n -> n % 11 == 0);
val multiplesOfEleven = 1 to 100 filter (_ % 11 == 0)
// Do all elements in a collection satisfy a predicate?
// string[] persons = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// bool x = persons.All(c => c.Length == 5);
// Java Streams
// String[] persons = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// boolean x = stream(persons).allMatch(c -> c.length() == 5);
val persons = Array("Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik")
val x = persons forall (_.length == 5)
// Do any elements in a collection satisfy a predicate?
// string[] persons = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// bool x = persons.Any(c => c.Length == 5);
// Java Streams
// String[] persons = {"Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik"};
// boolean x = stream(persons).anyMatch(c -> c.length() == 5);
val persons = Array("Sam", "Danny", "Jeff", "Erik", "Anders","Derik")
val x = persons exists (_.length == 5)
// Combine two collections into a single collection.
// string[] salutations = {"Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms", "Master"};
// string[] firstNames = {"Samuel", "Jenny", "Joyace", "Sam"};
// string lastName = "McEnzie";
// salutations.Zip(firstNames, (sal, first) => sal + " " + first)
// .ToList()
// .ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c + " " + lastName));
// Java Streams
// String[] salutations = {"Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms", "Master"};
// String[] firstNames = {"Samuel", "Jenny", "Joyace", "Sam"};
// String lastName = "McEnzie";
// zip(
// stream(salutations),
// stream(firstNames),
// (sal,first) -> sal + " " +first)
// .forEach(c -> { System.out.println(c + " " + lastName); });
val salutations = Array("Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms", "Master")
val firstNames = Array("Samuel", "Jenny", "Joyace", "Sam")
val lastName = "McEnzie"
(salutations, firstNames).zipped foreach ((mr, first) => println(s"$mr $first $lastName"))
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