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Created October 12, 2010 04:57
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/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
* Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Paul Phillips
package util
import java.util.concurrent.{ Future, TimeUnit }
import java.lang.reflect.{ Modifier, Field, Method => JMethod }
import LazyInfo._
/** Utility class for extracting lazy val information.
* Unlikely todo: read the Code segment, parse the lazy
* accessors, and see what constant is being used as a mask.
* That would insulate us from the precise algorithm used to demux
* the bitmaps. We'd find a series of instructions like this:
* 16: getfield #22; // Field bitmap$0:I
* 19: bipush 64 // <-- that's mr. mask
* 21: iand
* 22: iconst_0
* 23: if_icmpne ...
* In a similar vein, rather than making people supply both the
* field name and the T => U, we could open up the T => U and
* dredge it to figure out the field.
class LazyInfo[T <: AnyRef](underlying: T) {
info =>
private def clazz = underlying.getClass
private def clazzName = clazz.getName split '.' last
private def methods = clazz.getMethods.toList
private def fields = clazz.getFields.toList
private def decls = clazz.getDeclaredFields.toList
private def isPrivate(f: Field) = Modifier.isPrivate(f.getModifiers())
private def isFinal(f: Field) = Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())
private def hasSetter(f: Field) = {
val setterName = f.getName + "_$eq"
def isSetter(m: JMethod) = m.getName == setterName
def isTraitSetter(m: JMethod) = m.getName endsWith ("$_setter_$" + setterName)
methods exists (m => isSetter(m) || isTraitSetter(m))
private def onError(msg: String) = Predef.error("No lazy val " + msg)
private def bitmapNum(f: Field) = f.getName dropWhile (_ != '$') drop 1 toInt
def bitmapNamed(name: String) = bitmaps find (_.getName == name)
def accessorNamed(name: String) = lazyFields find (_.getName == name)
/** The bitmap fields in this class.
def bitmaps: List[Field] = fields filter (_.getName startsWith "bitmap$")
/** The java reflection Fields for each lazy val. Exploits the
* facts that 1) vars have setters and 2) non-lazy vals are final.
def lazyFields = decls filter (f => isPrivate(f) && !isFinal(f) && !hasSetter(f))
/** A map from names to nullary functions which evaluate to true if
* the lazy val of that name has been forced.
lazy val lazinessMap: Map[String, () => Boolean] = {
lazyFields.zipWithIndex map {
// XXX being sloppy wrt the Xcheckinit bits which are also crammed in here.
case (f, i) => f.getName -> (() => List(i * 2, i * 2 + 1) exists hasEvaluatedOffset)
} toMap
def lazinessList = lazinessMap.toList sortBy (_._1)
/** It's a Future, but ignoring all the cancellation and timeout business.
* This one is all about isDone and get().
class ObservableLazyVal[U] private[LazyInfo](name: String, accessor: T => U) extends Future[U] {
def isDone() = info(name)
def get(): U = accessor(underlying)
def get(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): U = get()
def isCancelled() = false
def cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning: Boolean) = false
private def valueString = if (isDone) get().toString else "<lazy>"
override def toString = "%s#%s: %s".format(clazzName, name, valueString)
def futurize[U](name: String, accessor: T => U) =
new ObservableLazyVal[U](name, accessor)
def apply(name: String): Boolean = get(name) getOrElse onError("called '" + name + "'")
def apply(offset: Int): Boolean = get(offset) getOrElse onError("at bitmap index " + offset)
def get(name: String): Option[Boolean] = lazinessMap get name map (f => f())
def get(offset: Int): Option[Boolean] = {
val name = BITMAP_PREFIX + (offset / FLAGS_PER_WORD)
val mask = 1 << (offset % FLAGS_PER_WORD)
bitmapNamed(name) map (f => ((f getInt underlying) & mask) != 0)
def show() = {
forcedNames foreach (x => println(x + ": forced"))
lazyNames foreach (x => println(x + ": unevaluated"))
def hasEvaluated(name: String) = get(name) exists (_ == true)
def hasNotEvaluated(name: String) = get(name) exists (_ == false)
def hasEvaluatedOffset(index: Int) = get(index) exists (_ == true)
def hasNotEvaluatedOffset(index: Int) = get(index) exists (_ == false)
def isAllForced = lazinessMap.values forall (f => f())
def isAnyForced = lazinessMap.values exists (f => f())
def isAllLazy = lazinessMap.values forall (f => !f())
def isAnyLazy = lazinessMap.values exists (f => !f())
def forcedNames = lazinessList collect { case (x, f) if f() => x }
def lazyNames = lazinessList collect { case (x, f) if !f() => x }
object LazyInfo {
implicit def anyRefCanLazify[T <: AnyRef](x: T) = new {
def lazify: LazyInfo[T] = apply(x)
def BITMAP_PREFIX = "bitmap$"
def apply[T <: AnyRef](x: T) = new LazyInfo(x)
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