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Last active January 2, 2016 09:59
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# bash function
defcomp () {
local name="$1" && shift
local functionName="$( echo "${name}_completion" | tr - _ )"
source <(cat <<EOM
$functionName () {
local cur
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur
COMPREPLY=( \$(compgen -W "\$( $@ )" -- "\$cur") )
command complete -F "$functionName" "$name"
# command line
% defcomp gemnames gem list --no-versions
% gemnames <tab>
addressable ffi highline mini_portile rb-appscript rspec-mocks text-hyphen
bigdecimal formatador httparty minitest rb-fsevent ruby2ruby thor
builder gherkin httpauth multi_json rb-inotify ruby_parser tins
bundler github io-console multi_test rb-kqueue safe_yaml tty
coderay github_api json multi_xml rdoc sexp_processor vcr
colorize github_cli json_pure multipart-post reek simplecov webmock
coveralls growl jwt nokogiri rest-client simplecov-html
crack growl_notify launchy oauth2 ripper_ruby_parser slop
cucumber guard listen pry roodi spruz
descendants_tracker guard-cucumber lumberjack psych rspec term-ansicolor
diff-lcs guard-rspec method_source rack rspec-core test-unit
faraday hashie mime-types rake rspec-expectations text-format
% gemnames f<tab>
faraday ffi formatador
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