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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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abstract class Foo {
trait BarT { this: Bar => def zomg: String }
type Bar <: BarT
def newBar: Bar
// Or not sealed if you reject axiom K? :)
sealed abstract class FooEqual[X <: Foo, Y <: Foo] {
val x: X
val y: Y
def subst[F[_]](fx: F[x.Bar]): F[y.Bar]
private type Id[A] = A
def apply(fx: x.Bar): y.Bar = subst[Id](fx)
class Refl[F <: Foo with Singleton](val z: F) extends FooEqual[F, F] {
val x: z.type = z
val y: z.type = z
def subst[F[_]](fx: F[z.Bar]): F[z.Bar] = fx
object Leibniz {
def equate(x: Foo)(y: x.type): Option[FooEqual[x.type, y.type]] = Some(new Refl[x.type](x))
case class FooA(x: Int) extends Foo {
case class Bar() extends BarT { def zomg = s"zomgA $x" }
def newBar: Bar = Bar()
case class FooB(x: String) extends Foo {
case class Bar(i: Int) extends BarT { def zomg = s"zomgB $i $x" }
def newBar: Bar = Bar(5)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val x = FooA(5)
val y = FooB("ahaha")
val z = FooA(5)
val a = x.newBar
val b = x.newBar
val c = y.newBar
// With a type ascription we get this lovely error message:
// ./a.scala:55: error: type mismatch;
// found : Option[FooEqual[x.type,z.type]]
// required: Option[FooEqual[x.type,z.type]]
// case z: x.type => equate(x)(z)
// ^
// one error found
val compared = z match {
case z: x.type => equate(x)(z)
case _ => None
val Some(foo) = compared
val bar = foo(a)
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