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Created April 7, 2021 10:57
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Play ZIO interop
import zio._
class Components(context: ApplicationLoader.Context)
extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) {
// Initialize the layer
val appLayer = ++ ++
// Create a new runtime backed by the application layer
implicit val runtime = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(appLayer)
// Pass around the runtime
val controller = new Controller(controllerComponents)(runtime)
// Handle shutdown of the application by shutting down the runtime as well
applicationLifecycle.addStopHook(() => Future(runtime.shutdown()))
lazy val routes = Router.from {
case GET(p"/me") =>
class Controller(cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit runtime: Runtime[Users with Products]) extends AbstractController(cc) {
import ZioActions._
val me: EssentialAction = Action.asyncZio(_ => ZIO.succeed(Ok))
import zio._
object ZioActions {
implicit class ActionBuilderOps[+R[_], B](ab: ActionBuilder[R, B]) {
case class AsyncTaskBuilder[Ctx <: zio.Has[_]](dummy: Boolean = false) {
def apply(cb: R[B] => RIO[Ctx, Result])(implicit r: Runtime[Ctx]): Action[B] =
ab.async(c =>r.unsafeRunToFuture(cb(c)))
def apply[A](
bp: BodyParser[A]
)(cb: R[A] => RIO[Ctx, Result])(implicit r: Runtime[Ctx]): Action[A] =
ab.async[A](bp)(c => r.unsafeRunToFuture(cb(c)))
case class AsyncZioBuilder[Ctx <: zio.Has[_]](dummy: Boolean = false) {
def apply(cb: R[B] => ZIO[Ctx, Result, Result])(implicit r: Runtime[Ctx]): Action[B] =
ab.async(c => r.unsafeRunToFuture(cb(c).merge))
def apply[A](
bp: BodyParser[A]
)(cb: R[A] => ZIO[Ctx, Result, Result])(implicit r: Runtime[Ctx]): Action[A] =
ab.async[A](bp)(c => r.unsafeRunToFuture(cb(c).merge))
def asyncTask[Ctx <: zio.Has[_]] = AsyncTaskBuilder[Ctx]()
def asyncZio[Ctx <: zio.Has[_]] = AsyncZioBuilder[Ctx]()
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