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Created September 23, 2020 16:31
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Sangria Federation
package sangria.federation
import play.api.libs.json.{JsError, JsObject, JsSuccess, Reads}
import sangria.schema.{LeafAction, ObjectLikeType, Value}
trait EntityResolver[Ctx] {
def typename: String
def resolve(obj: JsObject): LeafAction[Ctx, Option[Any]]
object EntityResolver {
def apply[Ctx, Arg: Reads, Val](
resolver: Arg => LeafAction[Ctx, Option[Val]]
)(implicit outputType: ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val]): EntityResolver[Ctx] =
new EntityResolver[Ctx] {
def typename: String =
def resolve(obj: JsObject): LeafAction[Ctx, Option[Any]] = obj.validate[Arg] match {
case JsSuccess(value, _) => resolver(value)
case JsError(_) => Value(None)
package sangria.federation
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsPath, Json, Reads}
import sangria.ast
import sangria.ast.ObjectValue
import sangria.renderer.SchemaFilter
import sangria.schema._
import sangria.validation.{StringCoercionViolation, ValueCoercionViolation}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait FederationSupport {
import FederationSupport._
def federate[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](_schema: Schema[Ctx, Val], resolvers: EntityResolver[Ctx]*): Schema[Ctx, Val] = {
val entityTypes = _schema.allTypes.values.collect {
case obj: ObjectType[Ctx, _] @unchecked if obj.astDirectives.exists( == "key") => obj
val EntityType: UnionType[Ctx] =
"Union of all the available entities. Entities are objects which have been annotated with a @key directive"
val _ServiceType: ObjectType[Ctx, Unit] = ObjectType(
fields[Ctx, Unit](
Field("sdl", StringType, resolve = _ => _schema.renderCompact(SchemaFilter.withoutGraphQLBuiltIn))
val representationArgs = Argument("representations", ListInputType(AnyType))
val allResolversMap = => r.typename -> r).toMap
val alwaysIncludeFields = fields[Ctx, Val](
resolve = _ => ()
val entityFields =
if (entityTypes.nonEmpty)
fields[Ctx, Val](
arguments = representationArgs :: Nil,
resolve = ctx =>
ctx.withArgs(representationArgs) { args =>
Action.sequence( => allResolversMap.get(a.__typename).map(_.resolve(a.value)).getOrElse(Value(None)))
else List.empty
val federationFields = alwaysIncludeFields ++ entityFields
val newQueryFields: () => List[Field[Ctx, Val]] = () => _schema.query.fieldsFn() ++ federationFields
query = _schema.query.copy(fieldsFn = newQueryFields),
directives = _schema.directives ++ federationDirectives,
additionalTypes = _schema.additionalTypes ++ Seq(_FieldSetType)
object FederationSupport {
case object AnyCoercionViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation("Could not parse type into an _Any")
case class _Any(__typename: String, value: JsObject)
object _Any {
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
implicit val reads: Reads[_Any] =
([String](JsPath \ "__typename") ~ Reads.of[JsObject])(_Any.apply _)
private[federation] val AnyType: ScalarType[_Any] = ScalarType[_Any](
coerceUserInput = {
case obj: JsObject => obj.asOpt[_Any].toRight(AnyCoercionViolation)
case v => Left(AnyCoercionViolation)
coerceOutput = {
case (a, _) => a.__typename
coerceInput = {
case ObjectValue(fields, _, _) if fields.exists( == "__typename") =>
Right(_Any(fields.find( == "__typename").map(, Json.obj()))
case v => Left(AnyCoercionViolation)
case class _FieldSet(fields: String)
private[federation] val _FieldSetType: ScalarType[_FieldSet] = ScalarType[_FieldSet](
description = Some(
"""The `_FieldSet` is structurally a string but semantically it represents a selection set of fields
|which can be used to uniquely identify an entity.""".stripMargin
coerceOutput = (v, _) => v,
coerceUserInput = {
case s: String ⇒ Right(_FieldSet(s))
case _ ⇒ Left(StringCoercionViolation)
coerceInput = {
case ast.StringValue(s, _, _, _, _) ⇒ Right(_FieldSet(s))
case _ ⇒ Left(StringCoercionViolation)
val Extend = ast.Directive("extends", Vector.empty)
val External = ast.Directive("external", Vector.empty)
val federationDirectives = List(
List(Argument("fields", _FieldSetType, "The set of fields which describe this key")),
locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.Object, DirectiveLocation.Interface)
"The set of fields which will be required by the service when resolving an entity")
locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition)
"The set of fields which be always provided by the service in addition to the minimum key set")
locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition)
Directive("extends", None, List.empty, locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.Object, DirectiveLocation.Interface)),
Directive("external", None, List.empty, locations = Set(DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition))
package sangria
import sangria.ast
import sangria.ast.StringValue
import sangria.schema.{Field, InterfaceType, ObjectType}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
package object federation extends FederationSupport {
object Key {
def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](objectType: ObjectType[Ctx, Val],
key: String,
others: String*): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
objectType.copy(astDirectives = objectType.astDirectives ++ (key +: others).map(Key.apply).toVector)
def apply[Ctx, Val](interfaceType: InterfaceType[Ctx, Val], key: String, others: String*): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
interfaceType.copy(astDirectives = interfaceType.astDirectives ++ (key +: others).map(Key.apply).toVector)
def apply(fields: String): ast.Directive =
ast.Directive("key", arguments = Vector(ast.Argument("fields", StringValue(fields))))
object Provides {
def apply(fields: String): ast.Directive =
ast.Directive("provides", arguments = Vector(ast.Argument("fields", StringValue(fields))))
def apply[Ctx, Val](field: Field[Ctx, Val], key: String): Field[Ctx, Val] =
field.copy(astDirectives = field.astDirectives :+ apply(key))
object Requires {
def apply(fields: String): ast.Directive =
ast.Directive("requires", arguments = Vector(ast.Argument("fields", StringValue(fields))))
def apply[Ctx, Val](field: Field[Ctx, Val], key: String): Field[Ctx, Val] =
field.copy(astDirectives = field.astDirectives :+ apply(key))
object External {
def apply(): ast.Directive =
ast.Directive("external", arguments = Vector.empty)
def apply[Ctx, Val](field: Field[Ctx, Val]): Field[Ctx, Val] =
field.copy(astDirectives = field.astDirectives :+ apply())
object Extends {
def apply(): ast.Directive =
ast.Directive("extends", Vector.empty)
def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](objectType: ObjectType[Ctx, Val]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
objectType.copy(astDirectives = objectType.astDirectives :+ apply())
def apply[Ctx, Val](interfaceType: InterfaceType[Ctx, Val]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
interfaceType.copy(astDirectives = interfaceType.astDirectives :+ apply())
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