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Last active October 24, 2017 18:17
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Capistrano deploy recipe for Media Temple Grid Service. This particular recipe is for a Railsless deploy of WordPress.
require 'rubygems'
require 'railsless-deploy'
load 'config/deploy'
require 'capistrano-deploytags'
set :stages, %w(prd dev)
set :default_stage, 'dev'
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
# After running cap deploy:cold, You'll need to remove all files from the
# domains/ directory and turn the html directory into a
# symlink that links to ./current which is also a symlink setup by capistrano.
# Configure these
set :site, "1234" # this is your site number,
set :application, "" # typically the same as the domain
# Shouldn't have to change anything below
set(:domain) { "s#{site}" }
set(:user) { "serveradmin@#{application}" }
# Other options
default_run_options[:pty] = true
default_run_options[:shell] = false
set :use_sudo, false # MediaTemple doesn't allow sudo command
# Repo stuff
set :ssh_options, { :forward_agent => true }
set :scm, :git
#set :repository, "." # assumes you are running cap deploy while your current working directory is the repo
set :repository, ""
# set :deploy_via, :copy
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :copy_cache, true
set :copy_exclude, [".git", "bin/", "config/", "Capfile"] # no need to include the git config directory
set(:branch) { "master" } # you can change this if you would like to use another branch
# Path stuff, make sure to symlink html to ./current
set(:deploy_to) { "/home/#{site}/users/.home/domains/#{application}" }
set(:current_deploy_dir) { "#{deploy_to}/current" }
# make sure you have added a tmp directory inside domains/ with correct permissions (i.e 755)
set(:copy_remote_dir) { "#{deploy_to}/tmp" }
set(:keep_releases) { 2 } # keep this low for larger sites, can be up to 5 if you are really nervous
# Roles
role :web, domain
role :app, domain
role :db, domain, :primary => true
# we need a relative path for the current symlink, without this
# current is set to link to the release starting from the /home directory
# which has a directory that is not owned by the serveradmin and apache
# won't have access
def relative_path(from_str, to_str)
require 'pathname'
# overwrite the symlink method to use the relative path method above
namespace :deploy do
desc "Relative symlinks for current, so we don't use full path"
task :create_symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do
if releases[-2] # not the first release
previous_release_relative = relative_path(deploy_to, previous_release + '/htdocs')
on_rollback { run "rm -f #{current_path}; ln -s #{previous_release_relative} #{current_path}; true" }
latest_release_relative = relative_path(deploy_to, latest_release + '/htdocs')
run "rm -f #{current_path} && ln -s #{latest_release_relative} #{current_path}"
after "deploy:finalize_update" do
run "cp #{current_release}/htdocs/wp-config-#{stage}.php #{current_release}/htdocs/wp-config.php"
# My own application namespace for deploy tasks.
namespace :redmonster do
# Symlink shared path for image uploads so each release can reference image uploads.
task :symlinks do
shared_images = relative_path("#{release_path}/htdocs/wp-content", "#{shared_path}/uploads/")
run "ln -nfs #{shared_images} #{release_path}/htdocs/wp-content/uploads"
# Add me in config/deploy/dev.rb
set :application, ''
set :branch, 'develop'
source ""
gem "capistrano", "~> 2.15"
gem "capistrano-deploytags", "~> 0.7"
gem "railsless-deploy", :require => nil
# Add me in config/deploy/prd.rb
set :application, ""
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Just updated to exclude the Capistrano deployment files in a deploy.

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