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Created December 13, 2013 12:29
Show Gist options
  • Save paulroehr/7943577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save paulroehr/7943577 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running "clean:dist" (clean) task
Cleaning .tmp...OK
Cleaning dist/.htaccess...OK
Cleaning dist/404.html...OK
Cleaning dist/bower_components...OK
Cleaning dist/favicon.ico...OK
Cleaning dist/images...OK
Cleaning dist/index.html...OK
Cleaning dist/robots.txt...OK
Cleaning dist/scripts...OK
Cleaning dist/styles...OK
Cleaning dist/views...OK
Running "useminPrepare:html" (useminPrepare) task
Going through app/index.html to update the config
Looking for build script HTML comment blocks
Configuration is now:
{ generated:
{ files:
[ { dest: '.tmp/concat/styles/main.css',
[ '.tmp/styles/main.css',
'.tmp/bower_components/jquery-ui/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css' ] },
{ dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts/modules.js',
[ 'app/scripts/config.js',
'app/bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js' ] },
{ dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js',
[ '{.tmp,app}/scripts/app.js',
'{.tmp,app}/scripts/filters/dots.js' ] } ] } }
{ dist: { files: { '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js': [ 'dist/scripts/scripts.js' ] } },
{ files:
[ { dest: 'dist/scripts/modules.js',
src: [ '.tmp/concat/scripts/modules.js' ] },
{ dest: 'dist/scripts/scripts.js',
src: [ '.tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js' ] } ] } }
{ generated:
{ files:
[ { dest: 'dist/styles/main.css',
src: [ '.tmp/concat/styles/main.css' ] } ] } }
Running "concurrent:dist" (concurrent) task
Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task
Running "coffee:test" (coffee) task
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
coffee:test 22ms
Total 22ms
Running "copy:styles" (copy) task
Copied 16 files
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
copy:styles 40ms
Total 40ms
Running "imagemin:dist" (imagemin) task
✔ app/images/BMW_GROUP_50mm.png (saved 16.10 kB)
✔ app/images/C_100_200px_2er_RGB72DPI.png (saved 3.87 kB)
✔ app/images/ED_Key_visual_rgb_.jpg (saved 11.52 kB)
✔ app/images/arrow_l.png (saved 286 B)
✔ app/images/arrow_r.png (saved 279 B)
✔ app/images/bmw_emblem.png (saved 1.87 kB)
✔ app/images/checkbox_1.png (saved 194 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_16px.png (saved 196 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_16px_checked.png (saved 325 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_2.png (saved 165 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_44px.png (saved 597 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_44px_checked.png (saved 641 B)
✔ app/images/checkbox_checked.png (saved 192 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle.png (saved 852 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle_15x16px.png (saved 134 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle_17x19px.png (saved 146 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle_22x24px.png (saved 223 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle_24x24px.png (saved 220 B)
✔ app/images/co2_slider_handle_cut.png (saved 260 B)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_A++.png (saved 1.14 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_A+.png (saved 1.13 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_A.png (saved 1.07 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_B.png (saved 1.09 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_C.png (saved 1.13 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_D.png (saved 1.01 kB)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_E.png (saved 939 B)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_F.png (saved 957 B)
✔ app/images/ecoLabel_G.png (saved 1.14 kB)
✔ app/images/flyer.jpg (saved 30 B)
✔ app/images/flyer_tb.jpg (saved 30 B)
✔ app/images/form_login_bg.png (saved 468 B)
✔ app/images/hide_arrow_down.png (saved 94 B)
✔ app/images/hide_arrow_up.png (saved 88 B)
✔ app/images/icon_info.png (saved 656 B)
✔ app/images/indikator_aktiv_03.jpg (saved 682 B)
✔ app/images/indikator_inaktiv_03.jpg (saved 686 B)
✔ app/images/input_search.png (saved 894 B)
✔ app/images/login_bg.jpg (saved 30 B)
✔ app/images/placeholder.png (saved 215 B)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender.png (saved 4.40 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_00.png (saved 2.89 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_01.png (saved 3.49 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_02.png (saved 3.14 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_03.png (saved 5.03 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_04.png (saved 3.80 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_05.png (saved 4.22 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_06.png (saved 2.57 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_07.png (saved 4.40 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_08.png (saved 3.19 kB)
✔ app/images/placeholder_blender_09.png (saved 3.34 kB)
✔ app/images/radio_18px.png (saved 201 B)
✔ app/images/radio_18px_active.png (saved 152 B)
✔ app/images/tax_dropshadow_bottom.png (saved 190 B)
✔ app/images/tax_dropshadow_bottom_933px.png (saved 152 B)
✔ app/images/tax_dropshadow_left.png (saved 108 B)
✔ app/images/tax_dropshadow_right.png (saved 108 B)
Minified 56 images (saved 92.93 kB)
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
imagemin:dist 156ms
Total 156ms
Running "svgmin:dist" (svgmin) task
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
svgmin:dist 156ms
Total 156ms
Running "htmlmin:dist" (htmlmin) task
File dist/404.html created.
File dist/index.html created.
File dist/views/brandChoice.html created.
File dist/views/carCompetition.html created.
File dist/views/carInfo.html created.
File dist/views/co2Filter.html created.
File dist/views/co2Timeline.html created.
File dist/views/countryOverview.html created.
File dist/views/disclamer.html created.
File dist/views/login.html created.
File dist/views/main.html created.
File dist/views/modelLineChoice.html created.
File dist/views/taxCalculation.html created.
File dist/views/vehicleChoice.html created.
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
htmlmin:dist 90ms
Total 90ms
Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
File ".tmp/styles/addPopover.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/brandChoice.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/carCompetition.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/carInfo.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/co2Filter.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/co2Timeline.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/countryOverview.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/directiveStyles/elementCarousel.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/directiveStyles/numberCarousel.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/disclamer.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/fonts/ff_stylesheet.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/login.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/main.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/modelLineChoice.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/taxCalculation.css" created.
File ".tmp/styles/vehicleChoice.css" created.
Running "concat:generated" (concat) task
File ".tmp/concat/styles/main.css" created.
File ".tmp/concat/scripts/modules.js" created.
File ".tmp/concat/scripts/scripts.js" created.
Running "copy:dist" (copy) task
Created 196 directories, copied 956 files
Running "cdnify:dist" (cdnify) task
Going through dist/404.html, dist/index.html to update script refs
Running "cssmin:generated" (cssmin) task
File dist/styles/main.css created.
Running "rev:dist" (rev) task
dist/styles/fonts/ff_stylesheet.css >> 5a855c51.ff_stylesheet.css
dist/styles/main.css >> b4ab4aed.main.css
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.eot >> 0f586208.BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.eot
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.ttf >> 58a777f6.BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.ttf
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.eot >> 14751461.BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.eot
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.ttf >> 485826f4.BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.ttf
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.eot >> eeaa6694.BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.eot
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.ttf >> e9127c89.BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.ttf
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.eot >> 4bff4347.BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.eot
dist/styles/fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.ttf >> 66b1e2ac.BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.ttf
Running "usemin:html" (usemin) task
Processing as HTML - dist/404.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/index.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css" changed to <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/b4ab4aed.main.css"
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/brandChoice.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/carCompetition.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/carInfo.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/co2Filter.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/co2Timeline.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/countryOverview.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/disclamer.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/login.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/main.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/modelLineChoice.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/taxCalculation.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Processing as HTML - dist/views/vehicleChoice.html
Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files
Update the HTML with the new css filenames
Update the HTML with the new img filenames
Update the HTML with data-main tags
Update the HTML with data-* tags
Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style
Update the HTML with anchors images
Update the HTML with reference in input
Running "usemin:css" (usemin) task
Processing as CSS - dist/styles/b4ab4aed.main.css
Update the CSS to reference our revved images
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.eot) changed to url(fonts/0f586208.BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.eot)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.ttf) changed to url(fonts/58a777f6.BMWGroup_Cond_Bold.ttf)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.eot) changed to url(fonts/14751461.BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.eot)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.ttf) changed to url(fonts/485826f4.BMWGroup_Cond_BoldItalic.ttf)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.eot) changed to url(fonts/eeaa6694.BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.eot)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.ttf) changed to url(fonts/e9127c89.BMWGroup_Cond_Italic.ttf)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.eot) changed to url(fonts/4bff4347.BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.eot)
url(fonts/BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.ttf) changed to url(fonts/66b1e2ac.BMWGroup_Cond_Regular.ttf)
Processing as CSS - dist/styles/fonts/5a855c51.ff_stylesheet.css
Update the CSS to reference our revved images
Running "copy:scripts" (copy) task
Copied 2 files
Done, without errors.
Elapsed time
clean:dist 122ms
useminPrepare:html 28ms
concurrent:dist 11s
autoprefixer:dist 85ms
concat:generated 64ms
copy:dist 865ms
cdnify:dist 30ms
cssmin:generated 38ms
usemin:html 95ms
usemin:css 28ms
copy:scripts 6ms
Total 12s
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