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Created September 8, 2016 15:47
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SharePoint Framework: The tslint.json file from the config folder extended to support the same set of rules from my preferred tslint file.
// Display errors as warnings
"displayAsWarning": true,
// The TSLint task may have been configured with several custom lint rules
// before this config file is read (for example lint rules from the tslint-microsoft-contrib
// project). If true, this flag will deactivate any of these rules.
"removeExistingRules": true,
// When true, the TSLint task is configured with some default TSLint "rules.":
"useDefaultConfigAsBase": false,
// Since removeExistingRules=true and useDefaultConfigAsBase=false, there will be no lint rules
// which are active, other than the list of rules below.
"lintConfig": {
// Opt-in to Lint rules which help to eliminate bugs in JavaScript
"rules": {
// This section of rules is not supported by the tslint VS Code extension
"export-name": false,
"no-duplicate-case": true,
"no-function-expression": true,
"no-unnecessary-semicolons": true,
"no-unused-imports": true,
"no-use-before-declare": true,
"no-with-statement": true,
"use-named-parameter": true,
"valid-typeof": true,
"prefer-const": true,
"a11y-role": true,
"member-ordering": [false],
"no-constant-condition": [false],
// This section of rules *is* supported by the tslint VS Code extension
"class-name": false,
"forin": false,
"label-position": false,
"label-undefined": false,
"member-access": true,
"no-arg": false,
"no-console": [true, "log", "error"],
"no-construct": false,
"no-duplicate-key": false,
"no-duplicate-variable": true,
"no-eval": false,
"no-internal-module": true,
"no-shadowed-variable": true,
"no-switch-case-fall-through": true,
"no-unused-expression": true,
"no-unused-variable": true,
"no-unreachable": true,
"semicolon": [true, "always"],
"typedef": [true, "call-signature", "parameter", "member-variable-declaration", "property-declaration"],
"typedef-whitespace": [
"call-signature": "nospace",
"index-signature": "nospace",
"parameter": "nospace",
"property-declaration": "nospace",
"variable-declaration": "nospace"
"call-signature": "onespace",
"index-signature": "onespace",
"parameter": "onespace",
"property-declaration": "onespace",
"variable-declaration": "onespace"
"variable-name": false,
"whitespace": [false],
"no-constructor-vars": true,
"comment-format": [false], // [true, "check-space"],
"curly": false,
"indent": [false],
"interface-name": [true, "always-prefix"],
"max-line-length": [true, 180],
"no-any": false,
"no-bitwise": false,
"no-consecutive-blank-lines": true,
"no-debugger": false,
"no-empty": true,
"no-null-keyword": false,
"no-string-literal": false,
"no-trailing-whitespace": false,
"no-var-keyword": true,
"one-line": [true, "check-open-brace"],
"quotemark": [true, "avoid-escape"],
"radix": false,
"triple-equals": true,
"trailing-comma": [true, {"multiline": "never", "singleline": "never"}],
"object-literal-sort-keys": false
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