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Created November 20, 2016 17:31
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Custom "adal" implementation for OAuth implict flow
var CC = CC || {};
CC.CORE = CC.CORE || {};
CC.CORE.Log = function (errMsg) {
// console.log is undefined in IE10 and earlier unless in debug mode, so must check for it
if (typeof window.console === "object" && typeof console.log === "function") {
CC.CORE.Adal = (function () {
"use strict";
var appTokenFactory = function (aadAppClientId, resource) {
// redirectUrl is the URL which the iframe will redirect to once auth occurs.
// we use blank.gif as it is a very low payload
var redirectUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/images/blank.gif";
// NOTE on security: include the userId in the cache key to prevent the case where a user logs out but
// leaves the tab open and a new user logs in on the same tab. The first user's calender
// would be returned if we didn't associate the cache key with the current user.
var cacheKey = "candc_cache_adal_" + _spPageContextInfo.userId + "_" + aadAppClientId + "_" + resource;
this.params = {
clientId: aadAppClientId,
redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
resource: resource,
cacheKey: cacheKey
var getAuthorizeUri = function (params, redirectUrl) {
var authUri = "" +
"?client_id=" + params.clientId +
"&response_type=token" +
"&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl) +
"&resource=" + encodeURIComponent(params.resource);
return authUri;
var getQueryStringParameterByName = function (name, url) {
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
var regex = new RegExp("[?&#]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)");
var results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
// create iframe, set its href, set listener for when loaded
// to parse the query string. Deferred returns upon parse of query string in iframe.
var acquirePassiveToken = function (params) {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
// create iframe and inject into dom
var iframe = jQuery("<iframe />").attr({
width: 1,
height: 1,
src: getAuthorizeUri(params, params.redirectUrl)
// bind event handler to iframe for parse query string on load
iframe.on("load", function (iframeData) {
parseAccessTokenFromIframe(iframeData, deferred);
return deferred.promise();
// handle iframe once it has loaded
var parseAccessTokenFromIframe = function (iframeData, deferred) {
// read the iframe href
var frameHref = "";
try {
// this will throw a cross-domain error for any issue other than success
// as the iframe will diplay the error on the domain
frameHref = iframeData.currentTarget.contentWindow.location.href;
catch (error) {
// parse iframe query string parameters
var accessToken = getQueryStringParameterByName("access_token", frameHref);
var expiresInSeconds = getQueryStringParameterByName("expires_in", frameHref);
// delete the iframe, and event handler.
var iframe = jQuery(iframeData.currentTarget);
// resolve promise
accessToken: accessToken,
expiresInSeconds: expiresInSeconds
// get the most recent token from the cache, or if not available,
// fetch a new token via iframe
var getToken = function (params) {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
// check for cached token
var tokenFromCache = CC.CORE.Cache.Get(params.cacheKey);
if (!tokenFromCache) {
// fetch token via iframe
.done(function (tokenFromIframe) {
CC.CORE.Log("ADAL: Fetched token from iframe.");
// expire cache a minute before token expires to be safe
var cacheTimeout = (tokenFromIframe.expiresInSeconds - 60) * 1000;
CC.CORE.Cache.Set(params.cacheKey, tokenFromIframe, cacheTimeout);
// resolve the promise
.fail(function (error) {
// Logs when rejection is caught
else {
CC.CORE.Log("ADAL: Fetched token from cache.");
// resolve the promise
return deferred.promise();
this.ExecuteQuery = function (query, additionalHeaders) {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
var params = this.params;
// get token from cache or via iframe
.done(function (token) {
// submit request with token in header
var ajaxHeaders = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token.accessToken
if (typeof additionalHeaders === "object") {
jQuery.extend(ajaxHeaders, additionalHeaders);
type: "GET",
url: params.resource + query,
headers: ajaxHeaders
}).done(function (response) {
}).fail(function (error) {
error: error
.fail(function (error) {
CC.CORE.Log('ADAL error occurred: ' + error);
error: error,
authorizeUrl: getAuthorizeUri(params, window.location.href)
return deferred.promise();
return {
AppTokenFactory: appTokenFactory
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