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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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// Pleast note that this code should be used as example code only, it is not properly tested.
public class DeploymentActionImportTaxonomy : DeploymentAction<bool>
public enum ImportTaxonomyMode
public DeploymentActionImportTaxonomy(ClientContext context, string termGroupName, string csvFolderPath, ImportTaxonomyMode mode, bool verbose)
: base(context, "Importing taxonomy", verbose)
this.TermGroupName = termGroupName;
this.CsvFolderPath = csvFolderPath;
this.Mode = mode;
protected string TermGroupName { get; set; }
protected string CsvFolderPath { get; set; }
protected ImportTaxonomyMode Mode { get; set; }
protected override bool Action()
// Get the xml files to import
string[] filePaths = null;
filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(this.CsvFolderPath, "*.csv");
catch (Exception ex)
this.Print(string.Format("Failed to read from folder '{0}'. {1}", this.CsvFolderPath, ex.Message));
throw ex;
if(filePaths == null || !filePaths.Any())
// Nothing to import
this.Print("No csv files found to import in folder: " + this.CsvFolderPath);
return false;
// Get the term group into which we are importing
var taxonomySession = TaxonomySession.GetTaxonomySession(this.Context);
var termStore = taxonomySession.GetDefaultSiteCollectionTermStore();
var termGroup = termStore.GetSiteCollectionGroup(this.Context.Site, true);
termGroup.Name = this.TermGroupName;
// Import each xml file
foreach(var filePath in filePaths)
string filename = filePath.Split('\\', '/').Last();
this.Print("Importing taxonomy from: " + filename);
// Read file to string
string[] csvLines = null;
csvLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
catch (Exception ex)
this.Print("Failed to read from file. " + ex.Message);
// Import the content
if (csvLines == null || csvLines.Length < 2)
this.Print("Nothing to import. The header line plus at least a single content line is required.");
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvLines.First()) || !csvLines.First().StartsWith(Constants.Taxonomy.CsvImportFirstLine))
this.Print("CSV is badly formed. First line should be: " + Constants.Taxonomy.CsvImportFirstLine);
// Import the lines (skipping the header line)
TermSet currentTermSet = null;
for (int i = 1; i < csvLines.Length; i++)
var csvLine = csvLines[i];
ImportCsvLine(termGroup, ref currentTermSet, csvLine);
return true;
private void ImportCsvLine(TermGroup termGroup, ref TermSet currentTermSet, string csvLineString)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvLineString))
this.Print("Encountered an empty content line");
var csvLineStringArray = GenericUtil.CsvSplit(csvLineString);
if (csvLineStringArray.Length < 12)
this.Print("A content line must contain at least 12 parts. e.g. " + Constants.Taxonomy.CsvImportFirstLine);
var csvLine = new TaxonomyImportCsvLine(csvLineStringArray);
currentTermSet = GetCurrentTermSet(termGroup, currentTermSet, csvLine);
Term term = GetOrCreateTerm(currentTermSet, csvLine, null, 1);
private Term GetOrCreateTerm(TermSet currentTermSet, TaxonomyImportCsvLine csvLine, Term parentTerm, uint termLevel)
string termName = csvLine.GetTermName(termLevel);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(termName))
Term term = null;
if (parentTerm == null)
term = currentTermSet.Terms.TryGetTerm(termName);
term = parentTerm.Terms.TryGetTerm(termName);
if (term == null)
this.Print("Creating term: " + termName);
if (parentTerm == null)
term = currentTermSet.CreateTerm(termName, (int)csvLine.LCID, Guid.NewGuid());
term = parentTerm.CreateTerm(termName, (int)csvLine.LCID, Guid.NewGuid());
term.SetDescription(csvLine.TermDescription, (int)csvLine.LCID);
catch (ServerException ex)
//if(ex.ServerErrorTypeName == TaxonomyOperationException)
this.Print("Failed to create term: " + termName + ". " + ex.Message);
return null;
// Recursive call to next level
term = GetOrCreateTerm(currentTermSet, csvLine, term, (termLevel + 1));
return term;
return parentTerm;
private TermSet GetCurrentTermSet(TermGroup termGroup, TermSet currentTermSet, TaxonomyImportCsvLine csvLine)
if (currentTermSet != null)
bool usingPreviousTermSet = csvLine.AssignTermSetNameIfNullOrEmpty(currentTermSet.Name);
if (!usingPreviousTermSet)
// Get or create term set
currentTermSet = GetOrCreateTermSet(termGroup, csvLine);
// Do nothing, continue using the current term set
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvLine.TermSetName))
this.Print("Term set has not been defined");
// Get or create term set
currentTermSet = GetOrCreateTermSet(termGroup, csvLine);
return currentTermSet;
private TermSet GetOrCreateTermSet(TermGroup termGroup, TaxonomyImportCsvLine csvLine)
TermSet termSet = termGroup.TermSets.TryGetTermSet(csvLine.TermSetName);
if (termSet != null && this.Mode == ImportTaxonomyMode.DeleteAndRecreate)
this.Print("Deleting existing term set: " + termSet.Name);
termSet = null;
if(termSet == null)
this.Print("Creating term set: " + csvLine.TermSetName);
termSet = termGroup.CreateTermSet(csvLine.TermSetName, Guid.NewGuid(), (int)csvLine.LCID);
termSet.Description = csvLine.TermSetDescription;
return termSet;
public class TaxonomyImportCsvLine
public TaxonomyImportCsvLine(string[] properties)
this.TermSetName = properties[0];
this.TermSetDescription = properties[1];
this.AvailableForTagging = properties[3];
this.TermDescription = properties[4];
this.TermNames = new string[7];
this.TermNames[0] = properties[5];
this.TermNames[1] = properties[6];
this.TermNames[2] = properties[7];
this.TermNames[3] = properties[8];
this.TermNames[4] = properties[9];
this.TermNames[5] = properties[10];
this.TermNames[6] = properties[11];
uint lcid;
if (uint.TryParse(properties[2], out lcid))
this.LCID = lcid;
this.LCID = Constants.Locales.Lcid.English_USA;
public string TermSetName { get; private set; }
public string TermSetDescription { get; private set; }
public uint LCID { get; private set; }
public string AvailableForTagging { get; private set; }
public string TermDescription { get; private set; }
private string[] TermNames { get; set; }
public bool AssignTermSetNameIfNullOrEmpty(string previousTermSetName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TermSetName))
this.TermSetName = previousTermSetName;
return true;
return false;
public string GetTermName(uint level)
if(level < 1 || level > 7)
throw new Exception("Can only get terms of level 1 through to 7");
var termNameAsProvided = this.TermNames[level - 1];
var cleanTermName = Regex.Replace(termNameAsProvided, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]+", string.Empty);
return termNameAsProvided;
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