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Created January 24, 2019 19:45
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  • Save paulscott/878ba5c61cd3bf2a5cfaa058e967f47a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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generate a changelog from the git commit messages between the current branch and the most recent ancestor tag, or between two named refs
# gives a changelog from the most recent tag to the current HEAD, with blank lines removed
lastTag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "${lastTag}" ]; then
fromType="initial commit"
lastTag=$(git rev-list HEAD --max-parents=0 | cut -c 1-10)
# if no args, $buildBranch..$currentBranch
# if one arg, $1..$currentBranch
# if twho args, $1..$2
fromMsg="${fromType-$([ -z "${1}" ] && echo 'tag' || echo '')} ${fromBranch}"
echo "Change log from ${fromMsg} to ${toBranch}:"
git log "${fromBranch}..${toBranch}" --pretty='format:- %s (%aN) %n %b' | grep '[^[:space:]]'
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