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Created April 8, 2014 13:31
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ServiceNow Scripted Web Service example that will create a Service Request item with variables. Has user friendly data validation. This particular example is for an Item called Sailpoint and passes 3 variables. The web service checks mandatory fields and validates data is valid. Returns user friendly error messages if it fails any of the checks.
var AppAccessRequestHelper = Class.create();
AppAccessRequestHelper.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
this.debug = gs.getProperty("intuit.custom.debug", "true");
this.error_message = String();
this.applicationId = '';
//WS Wrapper function to handle Request and Response Object.
//This is called from a Scripted WS.
ws_createSailpointRequest: function(ws_request) {
var ws_response = {};
try {
ws_response.request_number = this.createSailpointRequest(ws_request).toString();
ws_response.error_message = this.error_message.toString();
catch(ex) {
gs.logError('Error at line ' + ex.lineNumber + ' in ' + ex.sourceName + '. ' + ex.toString(), this.type);
ws_response.error_message = 'Internal Script Error. Please check details in SN logs for ' + this.type;
return ws_response;
//WS Wrapper function to handle Request and Response Object.
//This is called from a Scripted WS.
ws_createGenericRequest: function(ws_request) {
var ws_response = {};
try {
ws_response.request_number = this.createGenericRequest(ws_request).toString();
ws_response.error_message = this.error_message.toString();
catch(ex) {
gs.logError('Error at line ' + ex.lineNumber + ' in ' + ex.sourceName + '. ' + ex.toString(), this.type);
ws_response.error_message = 'Internal Script Error. Please check details in SN logs for ' + this.type;
return ws_response;
/* General use function for creating Application Access Service Requests.
* @variables_object - JSON object with Request Item Variables
* Object needs to contain: requested_for, access_action, application, environment, roles, additional_notes
createSailpointRequest: function(variables_object) {
//Check for mandatory fields. If fail, return
if (this._checkRequiredFields(variables_object, ["requested_for", "application"])) {
return -1;
//Create cart
var cart = new Cart();
var item = cart.addItem(gs.getProperty('intuit.custom.sailpoint_req_item','c67e26bd6fbb9100ad4c6592be3ee4e3')); //Item: 'Sailpoint Application Revoke
//Verify and add Requested For variable
this._addRequestedFor(cart, item, variables_object.requested_for);
//Verify and add Application variable
this._addApplication(cart, item, variables_object.application);
//Verify and add optional Roles variable
this._addRoles(cart, item, variables_object.roles);
//Return -1 for Request Number if errors otherwise place order and return Req Num
if (this.error_message) {
return -1;
else {
var request = cart.placeOrder();
return request.number;
/* General function for creating Generic Service Requests
* Dynamically passes JSON objects from WS to a Catalog Item's variable
createGenericRequest: function(variables_object) {
//TODO: For in each loop around JSON WS object and pass it to Catalog Item. No data validation needed
_checkRequiredFields: function(variables_object, required_fields) {
var isError = false;
for (var fieldName in required_fields) {
if (!variables_object[required_fields[fieldName]]) {
isError = true;
this.error_message += required_fields[fieldName] + " is a mandatory field. \n";
return isError;
_addRequestedFor: function(cart, item, userId) {
//Check and set requested_for field
var gruser = new GlideRecord("sys_user");
var gruserOR = gruser.addQuery("u_corporate_id", userId);
gruserOR.addOrCondition("user_name", userId);
if ( {
var cartGR = cart.getCart();
cartGR.requested_for = gruser.sys_id;
cart.setVariable(item, 'requested_for', gruser.sys_id);
} else {
this.error_message += "Unable to locate user with Corp ID or User ID - " + userId + "\n";
//Check and set access_action field
_addAccessAction: function(cart, item, action) {
if (action == 'add') {
cart.setVariable(item, 'access_action', 'I am requesting new access');
else if (action == 'remove') {
cart.setVariable(item, 'access_action', 'I need to remove access');
else {
this.error_message += "Access Action is invalid. Does not match 'add' or 'remove'. Received - " + action + "\n";
//Check and set application field
_addApplication: function(cart, item, appId) {
var grApps = new GlideRecord("u_access_application");
var grAppsOR = grApps.addQuery("u_name", appId);
grAppsOR.addOrCondition("sys_id", appId);
if ( {
cart.setVariable(item, 'application', grApps.sys_id);
this.applicationId = grApps.sys_id;
else {
this.error_message += "Unable to locate Application with - " + appId + "\n";
_addRoles: function(cart, item, rolesStr, appId) {
if (rolesStr) {
this._logDebug('Roles Passed In: ' + rolesStr);
var rolesArray = rolesStr.split(',');
for (var index in rolesArray) {
var role = rolesArray[index].trim();
this._logDebug('Validating Role: ' + role);
var grRoles = new GlideRecord('u_access_l1');
grRoles.addQuery('u_parent', this.applicationId);
grRoles.addQuery('u_name', role);
if (grRoles.getRowCount() == 0) {
this.error_message += "Role: " + role + ", doesn't exist for this application\n";
this._logDebug('Roles Errors: ' + this.error_message);
if (!this.error_message) {
cart.setVariable(item, 'roles', rolesStr);
_logDebug: function(msg) {
if (this.debug == true || this.debug == "true") {
gs.log(msg, this.type);
type: 'AppAccessRequestHelper'
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