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Created December 3, 2016 18:11
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  • Save paulsonnentag/42339ef0a7fc1bf3f0e2b183411ecd73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save paulsonnentag/42339ef0a7fc1bf3f0e2b183411ecd73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'use strict';
/*global $:false, angular:false, window:false, ace:false, esper:false, document:false, _:false */
var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.ace', 'ui.bootstrap']);
myAppModule.controller('main', function($scope, $timeout, $http, $q, $location) {
var params = $;
$scope.brekpoints = [];
if ( params.gist ) {
$scope.code = '// Loading gist...';
url: '' + params.gist
}).then(function(cb) {
var result =;
var name = Object.keys(result.files).pop();
$scope.code = result.files[name].content;
} else {
$scope.code = window.localStorage.code || document.getElementById('exampleCode').innerText;
$scope.opts = {forceVar: true, decorateLuaObjects: true, luaCalls: true, luaOperators: true,
encloseWithFunctions: false, useStrict: false, noMutliReturnSquish: false};
$scope.fix = function(c) { return c.reverse(); };
$scope.runMode = function() {
return $scope.engines && $scope.engines.length > 0;
$scope.aceLoaded = function(ai) {
$scope.ace = ai;
window.a = ai;
$scope.Range = ace.require('ace/range').Range;
ai.on('guttermousedown', function(e) {
var target =;
console.log(target, e);
if (target.className.indexOf('ace_gutter-cell') == -1) return;
if (!ai.isFocused()) return;
if (e.clientX > 25 + target.getBoundingClientRect().left) return;
var row = e.getDocumentPosition().row;
var bps = e.editor.session.getBreakpoints();
if ( !bps[row] ) {
} else {
$scope.brekpoints = e.editor.session.getBreakpoints();
$scope.speed = params.speed || 5;
var timer = function timer() {
if ( $scope.speed === 0 ) return $timeout(timer, 1000);
if ( $scope.engines && $ ) $scope.step();
var delay = 1000 / Math.pow(10,($scope.speed - 3) / 3);
if ( $scope.speed == 10 ) delay = 0;
$timeout(timer, delay);
$timeout(timer, 100);
$scope.names = function(o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).join(', ');
$scope.isASTOpen = function(ast) {
if (!ast) return false;
return ast._open !== false;
$scope.tgl = function(ast) {
if ( ast._open === false ) delete ast._open;
else ast._open = false;
$scope.getChildNodes = function(ast) {
var out = [];
for (var p in ast) {
let n = ast[p];
if ( p === 'parent' ) continue;
if ( p === 'loc' ) continue;
if ( p === 'type' ) continue;
if ( p === 'nodeID' ) continue;
if ( n === null ) continue;
if ( angular.isArray(n) ) {
for ( var i in n ) {
if ( typeof n[i].type === 'string' ) out.push(n[i]);
if ( typeof n.type !== 'string' ) {
if ( n.type === 'Identifier' || n.type === 'Literal' ) continue;
return out;
$scope.compile = function() {
var epr = new esper.Engine();
epr.addGlobalFx('fetch', function(url) {
return esper.FutureValue.make($http({
url: url,
method: 'GET',
transformResponse: null
}).then(function(data) {
return epr.realm.fromNative(;
}, function(e) {
return $q.reject(epr.realm.fromNative(new Error('Fetch failed.')));
epr.addGlobalFx('fork', function(yourFX) {
var parent = $scope.esper;
var fx = esper.Value.getBookmark(yourFX);
var eng = parent.fork();
var newThread = eng.evaluator;
var scope = parent.globalScope.createChild();
let c =, [], scope);
newThread.pushFrame({generator: c, type: 'program', scope: scope, ast: null});
eng.generator = newThread.generator();
try {
} catch ( e ) {
$scope.error = e.stack || e.toString();
$scope.output = '';
epr.realm.print = function() {
$scope.output +=,' ') + '\n';
delete $scope.error;
$scope.esper = epr;
$scope.engines = [epr];
$scope.ast = epr.evaluator.ast;
window.engine = epr;
$scope.start = function() {
$ = true;
$scope.clear = function() {
angular.forEach($scope.marker, function(marker) {
$scope.marker = [];
$scope.step = function() {
if ( !$scope.engines ) return;
var terminated = [];
for ( var i in $scope.engines ) {
var eng = $scope.engines[i];
if ( stepOne(eng) ) {
if ( eng == $scope.esper ) {
delete $scope.esper;
delete $scope.gen;
var stillRunning = [];
angular.forEach($scope.engines, function(e) {
if ( terminated.indexOf(e) === -1 ) stillRunning.push(e);
$scope.engines = stillRunning;
function stepOne(engine) {
var result;
try {
result = engine.step();
} catch ( e ) {
$scope.error = e.stack || e.toString();
result = e;
//delete $scope.esper;
//delete $scope.gen;
if ( result ) {
return true;
} else {
var frames = engine.evaluator.frames;
var ast;
for ( var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i ) {
if ( frames[i].ast ) {
ast = frames[i].ast;
function readScope(scope) {
var vars = {};
var props =;
var varz = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props);
for ( var z in varz ) {
var vname = varz[z];
var val = props[vname].value;
vars[vname] = (val && val.debugString) ? val.debugString : val;
return vars;
var lines = [];
for ( i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i ) {
var f = frames[i];
var o = {
id: (frames.length - i),
type: f.type,
vars: {}
if ( f.ast ) {
o.node = f.ast.type; = f.ast.srcName;
o.loc = f.ast.loc.start.line + ':' + f.ast.loc.start.column;
if ( f.value ) o.value = f.value.debugString;
if ( f.scope ) {
o.vars = readScope(f.scope);
o.vars['this'] = f.scope.thiz && JSON.stringify(f.scope.thiz.toString());
if ( ast ) {
var range = ast.loc;
var ln = range.start.line - 1;
if ( $scope.brekpoints[ln] && $scope.skipBP != ln ) {
$scope.skipBP = ln;
$ = false;
} else if ( $scope.skipBP != ln ) {
delete $scope.skipBP;
var rr = new $scope.Range(range.start.line - 1, range.start.column, range.end.line - 1, range.end.column);
$scope.marker.push($scope.ace.session.addMarker(rr,'executing', 'text'));
//$scope.output = JSON.stringify(frames,null,' ');
$scope.frames = lines;
$scope.pause = function() { $ = false; };
$ = function() { $ = true; };
$scope.stop = function() {
delete $scope.esper;
delete $scope.gen;
delete $scope.frames;
$scope.engines = [];
$ = false;
$scope.aceChanged = _.debounce(function() {
window.localStorage.code = $scope.code;
$scope.$watch('opts', function() {
}, true);
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