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Last active August 30, 2015 19:43
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(ns wat.core
(:require [reagent.core :as r]))
(defonce chart-config (r/atom
{:chart {:type "bar"}
:title {:text "Historic World Population by Region"}
:subtitle {:text "Source:"}
:xAxis {:categories ["Africa" "America" "Asia" "Europe" "Oceania"]
:title {:text nil}}
:yAxis {:min 0
:title {:text "Population (millions)"
:align "high"}
:labels {:overflow "justify"}}
:tooltip {:valueSuffix " millions"}
:plotOptions {:bar {:dataLabels {:enabled true}}}
:legend {:layout "vertical"
:align "right"
:verticalAlign "top"
:x -40
:y 100
:floating true
:borderWidth 1
:shadow true}
:credits {:enabled false}
:series [{:name "Year 1800"
:data [107 31 635 203 2]}]
(defonce all (r/atom []))
(defonce new (r/atom ""))
(defn input []
[:input {:type "text"
:value @new
:on-change #(reset! new (-> % .-target .-value))}]
[:input {:type "button"
:value "add"
:on-click #((swap! all conj (int @new))
(reset! new "")
(swap! chart-config assoc :series [{:name "what" :data @all}]))}]])
(defn lister []
(for [item @all]
[:li item])])
(defn graph-data []
(js/$ (fn []
(.highcharts (js/$ "#example")
(clj->js @chart-config))))
[:p @chart-config])
(defn graph []
[:div [:h1 "The Graph..."]
[:div#example {:style {:min-width "310px" :max-width "800px"
:height "400px" :margin "0 auto"}}]
(defn home []
(r/render-component [home] (.getElementById js/document "app"))
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