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Created August 3, 2013 15:48
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How to map user readable uppercase 'Attributes' for models in tabular Given steps with lowercase rails model attributes
Given the following set of activites exist
| Activity | Weather |
| Got to the Weston Super Mare | Sunny |
| Visit Sea Life Center | Raining |
| Visit West Midlands Safari Park | Sunny |
| Visit Madame Tussauds | Raining |
Scenario: Suggesting a set of sunny activities
When I state that Saturday's weather will be "Sunny"
Then I will be presented with a list of sunny activities
Given(/^the following set of activites exist$/) do |table|
table.hashes.each do |attributes|
FactoryGirl.create(:thing, attributes)
Gives error:
Given the following set of activites exist # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:1
| Activity | Weather |
| Got to the Weston Super Mare | Sunny |
| Visit Sea Life Center | Raining |
| Visit West Midlands Safari Park | Sunny |
| Visit Madame Tussauds | Raining |
undefined method `Activity=' for #<Thing:0x007fe177271810> (NoMethodError)
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