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Last active December 12, 2022 13:53
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Create CICD pipelines for serverless services using AWS CDK
// /stacks/cicd-pipelines.ts
// CDK app which creates a stack using a set of service definitions
import 'source-map-support/register';
import { App } from '@aws-cdk/cdk';
import { ServiceCicdPipelines } from '../lib/cicd/pipelines';
import { deploymentTargetAccounts } from './config';
import services from './services';
const app = new App({
autoRun: false,
new ServiceCicdPipelines(app, 'Default', {
export const pipelineAccountId = '1234567890';
export const githubOwner = 'yourownername';
export const githubTokenSsmPath = '/path/to/github-personal-access-token';
/** List of stages/accounts that CICD pipeline can deploy to */
export const deploymentTargetAccounts = {
dev: {
accountId: '1234567890',
staging: {
accountId: '56789012345',
prod: {
accountId: '987654321',
// /lib/cicd/cross-account-deployment.ts
// Creates roles in target accounts (e.g. prod) where codepipeline does a cross-account deployment to.
import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/cdk';
import {
Role, AccountPrincipal, Policy, PolicyStatement, PolicyStatementEffect,
} from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
export interface CrossAccountDeploymentRoleProps {
serviceName: string;
/** account ID where CodePipeline/CodeBuild is hosted */
deployingAccountId: string;
/** stage for which this role is being created */
targetStageName: string;
/** Permissions that deployer needs to assume to deploy stack */
deployPermissions: PolicyStatement[];
* Creates an IAM role to allow for cross-account deployment of a service's resources.
export class CrossAccountDeploymentRole extends Construct {
public static getRoleNameForService(serviceName: string, stage: string): string {
return `${serviceName}-${stage}-deployer-role`;
public static getRoleArnForService(serviceName: string, stage: string, accountId: string): string {
return `arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/${CrossAccountDeploymentRole.getRoleNameForService(serviceName, stage)}`;
readonly deployerRole: Role;
readonly deployerPolicy: Policy;
readonly roleName: string;
public constructor(parent: Construct, id: string, props: CrossAccountDeploymentRoleProps) {
super(parent, id);
this.roleName = CrossAccountDeploymentRole.getRoleNameForService(props.serviceName, props.targetStageName);
// Cross-account assume role
this.deployerRole = new Role(this, 'deployerRole', {
roleName: this.roleName,
assumedBy: new AccountPrincipal(props.deployingAccountId),
const passrole = new PolicyStatement(PolicyStatementEffect.Allow)
this.deployerPolicy = new Policy(this, 'deployerPolicy', {
policyName: `${this.roleName}-policy`,
statements: [passrole, ...props.deployPermissions],
// /lib/cicd/pipelines.ts
// Library of CICD constructs to use for creating a CICD pipeline using CodePipeline and CodeBuild
import { Construct, Stack, SecretParameter } from '@aws-cdk/cdk';
import {
Role, ServicePrincipal, Policy, PolicyStatement, PolicyStatementEffect,
} from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
import { Topic } from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';
import { EventRule } from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';
import { Pipeline, GitHubSourceAction } from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';
import {
Project, CodePipelineSource, LinuxBuildImage,
} from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';
import { ServiceDefinition } from './service-definition';
import { CrossAccountDeploymentRole } from './cross-account-deployment';
import { deploymentTargetAccounts } from '../../stacks/config';
export enum SourceTrigger {
Master = 'master', // triggered on merge to master
PullRequest = 'pr', // triggered on create/update of PR on a feature branch
export interface StageConfig {
accountId: string;
export interface DeploymentTargetAccounts {
[stage: string]: StageConfig;
export interface ServiceCicdPipelinesProps {
services: ServiceDefinition[];
deploymentTargetAccounts: DeploymentTargetAccounts;
/** Container for grouping all service pipelines into a single CloudFormation stack. */
export class ServiceCicdPipelines extends Construct {
readonly stack: Stack;
readonly alertsTopic: Topic;
readonly pipelines: Pipeline[] = [];
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ServiceCicdPipelinesProps) {
super(scope, id);
this.stack = new Stack(this, 'cicd', {
stackName: 'cicd-pipelines',
this.alertsTopic = new Topic(this.stack, 'cicd-notifications', {
topicName: 'cicd-notifications',
displayName: 'CICD pipeline failed',
this.alertsTopic.export(); => {
this.pipelines.push(new ServicePipeline(this.stack, `${service.serviceName}_pipeline`, {
sourceTrigger: SourceTrigger.Master,
alertsTopic: this.alertsTopic,
deploymentTargetAccounts: props.deploymentTargetAccounts,
// TODO: also create a PR pipeline
export interface ServicePipelineProps {
/** Information about service to be built & deployed (source repo, etc) */
service: ServiceDefinition;
/** Trigger on PR or Master merge? */
sourceTrigger: SourceTrigger;
/** Account details for where this service will be deployed to */
deploymentTargetAccounts: DeploymentTargetAccounts;
/** Optional SNS topic to send pipeline failure notifications to */
alertsTopic?: Topic;
/** Creates a single end-to-end Pipeline for a specific service definition. */
export class ServicePipeline extends Construct {
readonly pipeline: Pipeline;
readonly alert: PipelineFailedAlert;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ServicePipelineProps) {
super(scope, id);
const pipelineName = `${props.service.serviceName}_${props.sourceTrigger}`;
this.pipeline = new Pipeline(scope, pipelineName, {
const oauth = new SecretParameter(scope, 'GithubPersonalAccessToken', {
ssmParameter: props.service.githubTokenSsmPath,
const sourceAction = new GitHubSourceAction({
actionName: props.sourceTrigger === SourceTrigger.PullRequest ? 'GitHub_SubmitPR' : 'GitHub_PushToMaster',
owner: props.service.githubOwner,
repo: props.service.githubRepo,
branch: 'master',
oauthToken: oauth.value,
outputArtifactName: 'SourceOutput',
name: 'Source',
actions: [sourceAction],
// Create stages for DEV => STAGING => PROD.
// Each stage defines its own steps in its own build file
const buildProject = new ServiceCodebuildProject(this.pipeline, 'buildProject', {
projectName: `${pipelineName}_dev`,
buildSpec: '',
deployerRoleArn: CrossAccountDeploymentRole.getRoleArnForService(
props.service.serviceName, 'dev',,
const buildAction = buildProject.project.toCodePipelineBuildAction({
actionName: 'Build_Deploy_DEV',
inputArtifact: sourceAction.outputArtifact,
outputArtifactName: 'sourceOutput',
additionalOutputArtifactNames: [
name: 'Build_Deploy_DEV',
actions: [buildAction],
const stagingProject = new ServiceCodebuildProject(this.pipeline, 'deploy-staging', {
projectName: `${pipelineName}_staging`,
buildSpec: 'buildspec.staging.yml',
deployerRoleArn: CrossAccountDeploymentRole.getRoleArnForService(
props.service.serviceName, 'staging', deploymentTargetAccounts.staging.accountId,
const stagingAction = stagingProject.project.toCodePipelineBuildAction({
actionName: 'Deploy_STAGING',
inputArtifact: sourceAction.outputArtifact,
additionalInputArtifacts: [
name: 'Deploy_STAGING',
actions: [stagingAction],
// Prod stage requires cross-account access as codebuild isn't running in same account
const prodProject = new ServiceCodebuildProject(this.pipeline, 'deploy-prod', {
projectName: `${pipelineName}_prod`,
buildSpec: '',
deployerRoleArn: CrossAccountDeploymentRole.getRoleArnForService(
props.service.serviceName, 'prod',,
const prodAction = prodProject.project.toCodePipelineBuildAction({
actionName: 'Deploy_PROD',
inputArtifact: sourceAction.outputArtifact,
additionalInputArtifacts: [
name: 'Deploy_PROD',
actions: [prodAction],
// Wire up pipeline error notifications
if (props.alertsTopic) {
this.alert = new PipelineFailedAlert(this, 'pipeline-failed-alert', {
pipeline: this.pipeline,
alertsTopic: props.alertsTopic,
export interface ServiceCodebuildActionProps {
projectName: string;
buildSpec?: string;
deployerRoleArn: string;
export class ServiceCodebuildProject extends Construct {
readonly buildRole: Role;
readonly project: Project;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ServiceCodebuildActionProps) {
super(scope, id);
this.buildRole = new ServiceDeployerRole(this, 'project-role', {
deployerRoleArn: props.deployerRoleArn,
this.project = new Project(this, 'build-project', {
projectName: props.projectName,
timeout: 10, // minutes
environment: {
buildImage: LinuxBuildImage.UBUNTU_14_04_NODEJS_8_11_0,
source: new CodePipelineSource(),
buildSpec: props.buildSpec || 'buildspec.yml',
role: this.buildRole,
export interface ServiceDeployerRoleProps {
deployerRoleArn: string;
export class ServiceDeployerRole extends Construct {
readonly buildRole: Role;
readonly policy: Policy;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ServiceDeployerRoleProps) {
super(scope, id);
this.buildRole = new Role(this, 'Default', {
assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal(''),
// Allow CodeBuild to assume role of deployer
const assumeStatement = new PolicyStatement(PolicyStatementEffect.Allow)
this.policy = new Policy(scope, 'sls-deployer-policy', {
statements: [assumeStatement],
export interface PipelineFailedAlertProps {
pipeline: Pipeline;
alertsTopic: Topic;
/** Creates alert to send SNS notification if pipeline fails */
export class PipelineFailedAlert extends Construct {
readonly rule: EventRule;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: PipelineFailedAlertProps) {
super(scope, id);
this.rule = new EventRule(scope, 'pipeline_failed_rule', {
ruleName: `${props.pipeline.pipelineName}_pipeline_failed_rule`,
source: ['aws.codepipeline'],
detailType: ['CodePipeline Pipeline Execution State Change'],
detail: {
pipeline: [props.pipeline.pipelineName],
state: ['FAILED'],
// /lib/cicd/service-definition.ts
import { PolicyStatement } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
/** Defines things that can vary between each serverless.yml service */
export interface ServiceDefinition {
serviceName: string;
githubRepo: string;
githubOwner: string;
githubTokenSsmPath: string;
/** Permissions that CodeBuild role needs to assume to deploy serverless stack */
deployPermissions: PolicyStatement[];
// List of services that will have CICD pipelines and deployment roles created for them
import { PolicyStatement, PolicyStatementEffect } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
import { ServiceDefinition } from '../../lib/cicd/service-definition';
import { githubOwner, githubTokenSsmPath } from '../config';
const mySlsService: ServiceDefinition = {
serviceName: 'my-sls-service',
githubRepo: 'my-sls-service',
// TODO: should lock down below permissions to specific resources
deployPermissions: [
new PolicyStatement(PolicyStatementEffect.Allow)
'cloudformation:*', // TODO: tighten up
// <serverless-domain-manager> plugin:
'apigateway:*', // TODO: tighten up
// </serverless-domain-manager>,
'logs:*', // logs:PutRetentionPolicy
export default [
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yuyokk commented Dec 11, 2022

hey @paulswail question on CrossAccountDeploymentRole. Where (at what time) do roles get created on target accounts? I dont see new CrossAccountDeploymentRole() on these files. Thank you for this blog post it helps me a lot with cross account pipelines for sls apps.

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