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Created October 8, 2014 00:34
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#!/usr/bin/env hy3
;;; doto.hy - do something to a bunch of other things.
;;; Copyright (c) Paul R. Tagliamonte, MIT/Expat, 2014.
os sys subprocess
[concurrent.futures [ThreadPoolExecutor]]
[itertools [groupby]]
[functools [partial]])
(defn consume [iter]
"Consume an interator, disregarding the result"
(for [- iter] -))
(defn splat [func]
"Return a function which will accept args to splat against
the passed function"
(lambda [args] (apply func args)))
(defn split/command [data]
"Given the sys.argv command line list, split the list at any
instances of \"--\""
(let [[groups (list-comp (list y)
[(, x y) (groupby data (lambda [x] (= x "--")))]
(not x))]]
(if (!= (len groups) 2)
(raise (ValueError (.format "Error; {} command groups found, not 2"
(len groups)))))
(defn create-command [command target]
"Replace any instances of {} with the target"
(list-comp (if (= x "{}") target x) [x command]))
(defn run/target [command target]
"Run the list of strings `command` against the target `target`"
(with [[f (open os.devnull "w")]]
(let [[ret (apply
[(create-command command target)]
{"stderr" f
"stdout" f})]]
(, target ret))))
(defn run/targets [targets command]
"Run the list of strings `command` against all targets `targets`,
concurently running as many jobs as the pool will allow. Currently
this is harcoded at 10, but that may change in the future."
(let [[task (partial run/target command)]]
(with [[executor (ThreadPoolExecutor 50)]]
(yield-from ( task targets)))))
(defn print/status [target status]
"Show the result of the command against `target` in a human readable way."
(let [[flag (cond [(= status 0) "✓"]
[true "✗"])]]
(print (.format "[ {} ] {}" flag target))))
(defn print/targets [iter]
"Iterate over the commands we've run and print the status for each"
(consume (map (splat print/status) iter)))
(defn main [_ &rest params]
"Main entry point. params should be a sys.argv like list"
(if (or (= params []) (not-in "--" params))
(print "Usage:
doto * -- ls
which will run `ls' against all folders and files in the directory,
either returning a checkmark (✓) for exit status 0, or an x (✗) for
a nonzero return status.")
(let [[(, targets command) (split/command params)]]
(print/targets (run/targets targets command)))))
(if (= __name__ "__main__")
(apply main sys.argv))
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why not use defmain bro?

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