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Comparing Breakpoints in CSS Toolkits and Frameworks

  • 544 // Small devices (landscape phones, 34em and up)
  • 768 // Medium devices (tablets, 48em and up)
  • 992 // Large devices (desktops, 62em and up)
  • 1200 // Extra large devices (large desktops, 75em and up)

  • "palm" "screen and (max-width: 44.9375em)",
  • "lap" "screen and (min-width: 45em) and (max-width: 63.9375em)",
  • "lap-and-up" "screen and (min-width: 45em)",
  • "portable" "screen and (max-width: 63.9375em)",
  • "desk" "screen and (min-width: 64em)",
  • "retina" "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi), (min-resolution: 2dppx)"

MDL breakpoints

Breakpoint (dp) Handset / Tablet Portrait Handset / Tablet Landscape Window Columns Gutter
0 small handset xsmall 4 16
360 medium handset xsmall 4 16
400 large handset xsmall 4 16
480 large handset small handset xsmall 4 16
600 small tablet medium handset small 8 16/24
720 large tablet large handset small 8 16/24
840 large tablet large handset small 12 16/24
960 small tablet small 12 24
1024 large tablet medium 12 24
1280 large tablet medium 12 24
1440 large 12 24
1600 large 12 24
1920 xlarge 12 24
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