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Created September 12, 2015 17:36
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samplerow = [1, u'Message-ID: <20625717.1075857797770.JavaMail.evans@thyme>\r\nDate: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 06:03:00 -0800 (PST)\r\nFrom:\r\nTo:,,, \r\n\,,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\,, \r\n\\r\nSubject: ISO-NE failure to mitigate ICAP market -- Release of ISO NE\r\n confidential information\r\nMime-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\nX-From: Thane Twiggs\r\nX-To: Jeffery Ader, Mark Bernstein, Scott Healy, Janelle Scheuer, Tom Dutta, Dana Davis, Paul J Broderick, Chris Dorland, Gautam Gupta, Michael Brown, John Llodra, George Wood, Joe Gordon, Stephen Plauche, Jennifer N Stewart, David Guillaume, Tom May, Robert Stalford, Jeffrey Miller, Narsimha Misra, Joe Quenet, Paul D Thomas, Ricardo Perez, Kevin M Presto, Sarah Novosel, Christi L Nicolay\r\nX-cc: \r\nX-bcc: \r\nX-Folder: \\Joseph_Quenet_Dec2000\\Notes Folders\\All documents\r\nX-Origin: Quenet-J\r\nX-FileName: jquenet.nsf\r\n\r\nThe New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECUPUC) filed \nan Answer if Support of the Motion of the Maine Public Utilities Commission \nfor Disclosure of Information.\nNECUPUC supports the request for the release of the unredacted copies of \nISO-NE\'s September 21, 2000 Answer in this case. In the alternative, they \nwould ask that the Commission provide to the regulators that are parties to \nthe proceeding unredacted copies of the ISO\'s September 21, 2000 Answer \nsubject to an appropriate protective order.\n\n\n\nDuke Energy North America (DENA) filed an Answer that opposes the MPUC \nrequest for public information.\n\nDENA argues that only a three month lag in the release of confidential \ninformation is impermissible under a prior FERC ruling in the NSTAR Services \nCo. case which set out a six-month lag rule for the release of information.\nTheir second argument was that the request seeks information for all NEPOOL \nmarkets and not just the ICAP market which is subject to the suit.\nIf the FERC authorizes the release of confidential information, then it \nshould be subject to a protective order which contains the following:\nThe information may only be used for the purposes of this docket.\nOnly specifically named "reviewing Reps associated with the MPUC may review \nthe information.\nThe confidential materials may not be removed from the NE-ISO\'s premises.\nThe reviewing rep must execute a nondisclosure certificate.\n\n\nAnswer to the MPUC\'s Motion for Disclosure of Information from Northeast \nUtilities Service Company and Select Energy and request for expedited \ncommission action. NUSCO and Select Energy Support MPUC\'s request for \ndisclosure of information that the ISO has filed under seal, but opposes the \nselective disclosure of this information to the MPUC and other regulatory \ncommissions and not other participants. NUSCO and Select Energy request \nexpedited action due the financial implications and there is also \nconsiderable uncertainty regarding prices in the residual ICAP market in \nJanuary, February and March of 2000 due to the suspended settlement pending \nCommission guidance.\n\n']
import email
def parseEmail(document):
theMessage = email.message_from_string(document)
tofield = theMessage['to']
fromfield = theMessage['from']
subjectfield = theMessage['subject']
bodyfield = theMessage.get_payload()
wholeMsgList = [tofield, fromfield, subjectfield, bodyfield]
# getrid of any fields that don't exist in the email
cleanMsgList = [x for x in wholeMsgList if x is not None]
# now return a string with all that stuff run together
return ' '.join(cleanMsgList)
print parseEmail(samplerow[1])
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