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Last active October 17, 2016 04:05
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clojure[script] transducers: basic use
;; attempted translation of the basic parts of the clojure documentation page on transducers
;; into more comprehensible terms that don't require you to be as smart as Rich Hickey to understand.
;; transducers are a way to compose sequence functions with less than their normal arity into a combined transformation
;; which then gets applied more efficiently than just nesting calls to the transformation, using ->, etc.
;; In the below, xf is a transducer. The composition goes left to right, hence tests for oddness before testing for less-than-5ness
(def xf
(filter odd?)
(filter #(> 5 %))))
;; to just apply the composed transformation to a collection, the easiest thing is to use the `into` idiom
(def example [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10])
(into [] xf example)
;; [1 3]
;; `transduce` is just like normal `reduce` but with the xf composed with the reducing function first. The docs are a little obscure
;; on what that means ("with the transducer xform applied to the reducing function f"---huh?) but it seems to mean composition in
;; that sense.
(transduce xf + example)
;; 4
(transduce xf conj [] example)
;; [1 3]
;; I actually find this last one a bit magical. The docs say:
;; "f supplies the knowledge of how to accumulate the result, which occurs in the (potentially stateful) context of the reduce."
;; and what that seems to mean is "it somehow manages to act as if you applied the transducer to the whole collection before reducing."
;; `eduction` seems to basically just mean "create a lazy sequence from applying the transducer to the collection"
(take 2 (eduction xf example))
;; (1 3)
;; for future reference, here's the list of the built-in higher-order sequence functions that make transducers with one less arity,
;; straight from the docs:
;; map cat mapcat filter remove take take-while take-nth drop drop-while replace partition-by partition-all keep keep-indexed
;; map-indexed distinct interpose dedupe random-sample
;; Christophe Grand has also written tranducerific support for more core functions at
;; right now they seem a little hard to understand (especially x/reduce!!) but reading the code is interesting...
;; this is a nice SO:
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