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Created July 26, 2017 15:25
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Compute percent identity between two bases.
Tensorflow ops for computing percent-identity between two sequences.
import tensorflow as tf
def sparsify_seq(dseq, maxtime, pad_value=0):
Convert a dense rank-2 sequence tensor `dseq` to a sparse tensor, applying masking to
pad values to avoid spuriously high edit distances when comparing two sparsified
dseq: rank-2 tensor representing a sequence. Of shape [batch, maxtime].
maxtime: Python integer indicating the maximum number of timesteps to take.
pad_value: a value to ignore in the sparsify process.
a SparseTensor representing dseq.
indices = tf.where(tf.not_equal(dseq, pad_value))
values = tf.to_int32(tf.gather_nd(dseq, indices=indices))
shape = tf.shape(dseq, out_type=tf.int64)
return tf.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, dense_shape=shape)
def pct_identity(basecalls, true_base_labels, max_time, pad_token=0):
Append ops to compute edit distance (aka Levenshtein distance) between true bases and predicted basecalls.
* basecalls: a tf.int32 tensor of shape [batch, max_time] with values in [0,num_labels).
* true_base_labels: a rank-2 tf.int32 tensor of shape [batch, max_time] with values in [0,num_labels).
* max_time: a python integer indicating the sequence-length (padding symbols included) of each tensor.
* pad_token: a python integer indicating the integer label that represents a padding character.
Padding characters are masked-out by `sparsify_seq()`.
(1. - edit_dist) == percent identity between `basecalls`, `true_base_labels`, a vector of shape [batch]
with dtype=tf.float32.
with tf.name_scope("PctIdentity"):
edit_dist = tf.edit_distance(sparsify_seq(basecalls, max_time, pad_value=pad_token),
sparsify_seq(true_base_labels, max_time, pad_value=pad_token),
return (1. - edit_dist)
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