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Forked from jimweirich/
Created April 18, 2012 00:01
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Berlin Clock Kata
# Paul Visscher and Greg Mefford
require 'rspec/given'
require 'time'
class BerlinClock
def self.convert_time(time)
t = Time.parse(time)
clock = ""
if t.sec % 2 == 0
clock << "Y\n"
clock << ".\n"
clock << split_lights(t.hour, 4, 4).gsub('*', 'R')
clock << split_lights(t.min, 11, 4)
clock[14] = "R" if clock[14] == "*"
clock[17] = "R" if clock[17] == "*"
clock[20] = "R" if clock[20] == "*"
clock.gsub!('*', "Y")
return clock
def self.split_lights(value, size1, size2, mod = 5)
str = ""
fives, ones = value.divmod(mod)
str << "*" * fives
str << "." * (size1 - fives)
str << "\n"
str << "*" * ones
str << "." * (size2 - ones)
str << "\n"
describe BerlinClock do
describe "berlin clock" do
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("00:00:00").should == "Y\n....\n....\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("00:00:01").should == ".\n....\n....\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("00:00:02").should == "Y\n....\n....\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("01:00:02").should == "Y\n....\nR...\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("02:00:02").should == "Y\n....\nRR..\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("03:00:02").should == "Y\n....\nRRR.\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("04:00:02").should == "Y\n....\nRRRR\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("05:00:02").should == "Y\nR...\n....\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("06:00:02").should == "Y\nR...\nR...\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("06:01:02").should == "Y\nR...\nR...\n...........\nY...\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("06:27:02").should == "Y\nR...\nR...\nYYRYY......\nYY..\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("06:59:59").should == ".\nR...\nR...\nYYRYYRYYRYY\nYYYY\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("23:00:00").should == "Y\nRRRR\nRRR.\n...........\n....\n" }
Then { BerlinClock.convert_time("23:59:59").should == ".\nRRRR\nRRR.\nYYRYYRYYRYY\nYYYY\n" }
# if not running in rspec...
# while true do
# puts "\e[7A"
# puts BerlinClock.convert_time(".", "\e[1m\e[30m.\e[0m").gsub("Y", "\e[1m\e[33mY\e[0m").gsub("R", "\e[1m\e[31mR\e[0m")
# puts
# sleep 1
# end
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