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Gets the current software update level of a Windows 10 workstation and compares with the latest available updates. Can also list all available updates for the current build.
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$URI = "" # Windows 10 release history
Function Get-MyWindowsVersion {
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$Table.Columns.AddRange(@("ComputerName","Windows Edition","Version","OS Build"))
$ProductName = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name ProductName).ProductName
$Version = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name ReleaseID -ErrorAction Stop).ReleaseID
$Version = "N/A"
$CurrentBuild = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name CurrentBuild).CurrentBuild
$UBR = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name UBR).UBR
$OSVersion = $CurrentBuild + "." + $UBR
$TempTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$TempTable.Columns.AddRange(@("ComputerName","Windows Edition","Version","OS Build"))
Return $TempTable
Function Convert-ParsedArray {
$ArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($item in $Array)
Update = $item.outerHTML.Split('>')[1].Replace('</a','').Replace('&#x2014;',' - ')
KB = "KB" + $item.href.Split('/')[-1]
InfoURL = "" + $item.href
OSBuild = $item.outerHTML.Split('(OS ')[1].Split()[1] # Just for sorting
Return $ArrayList
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6)
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -ErrorAction Stop
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
If (!($Response.Links))
{ throw "Response was not parsed as HTML"}
$VersionDataRaw = $Response.Links | where {$_.outerHTML -match "supLeftNavLink" -and $_.outerHTML -match "KB"}
$CurrentWindowsVersion = Get-MyWindowsVersion -ErrorAction Stop
If ($ListAllAvailable)
If ($ExcludePreview -and $ExcludeOutofBand)
$AllAvailable = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Preview" -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Out-of-band"}
ElseIf ($ExcludePreview)
$AllAvailable = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Preview"}
ElseIf ($ExcludeOutofBand)
$AllAvailable = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Out-of-band"}
$AllAvailable = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0]}
$UniqueList = (Convert-ParsedArray -Array $AllAvailable) | Sort OSBuild -Descending -Unique
$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
foreach ($Update in $UniqueList)
Return $Table
$CurrentPatch = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'} | Select -First 1
If ($ExcludePreview -and $ExcludeOutofBand)
$LatestAvailablePatch = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Out-of-band" -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Preview"} | Select -First 1
ElseIf ($ExcludePreview)
$LatestAvailablePatch = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Preview"} | Select -First 1
ElseIf ($ExcludeOutofBand)
$LatestAvailablePatch = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0] -and $_.outerHTML -notmatch "Out-of-band"} | Select -First 1
$LatestAvailablePatch = $VersionDataRaw | where {$_.outerHTML -match $CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build'.Split('.')[0]} | Select -First 1
$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$CurrentWindowsVersion.'Windows Edition',
$CurrentWindowsVersion.'OS Build',
$CurrentPatch.outerHTML.Split('>')[1].Replace('</a','').Replace('&#x2014;',' - '),
"KB" + $CurrentPatch.href.Split('/')[-1],
"" + $CurrentPatch.href,
$LatestAvailablePatch.outerHTML.Split('>')[1].Replace('</a','').Replace('&#x2014;',' - '),
"KB" + $LatestAvailablePatch.href.Split('/')[-1],
"" + $LatestAvailablePatch.href
Return $Table
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