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paulyc / list27.txt
Created December 19, 2020 21:24 — forked from anonymous/list27.txt
paulyc /
Last active July 1, 2020 06:47
In Re: Controversial Technical Terminology

My personal opinion on the whole ‘master/X’ terminology in tech is-- good riddance-- and I don’t write master/X because I don’t want to write the word ‘slave’, or that I think the word ‘master’ necessarily refers to slavery--I am using it as a segue to my point, which is that the technical terminology has been abused so badly throughout the years as to be now completely meaningless to the point of being confusing, which is another excellent reason to abandon it.

See: Git. There’s master, and there’s…..???? I don’t see any slave branches. ‘Main’ among pretty much anything else sounds more appropriate. There’s ATA, where ‘master’ and ‘slave’ are the equivalent of ‘#1’ and ‘#2’--the master and slave devices do not communicate at all with each other, only with the controller and it is a completely meaningless designation other than you cannot have a #2 without a #1.

From one-sided to meaningless to BIND: you can lose all the slaves you want but if you lose the master, you’re fucked, and its idea of master-mast

paulyc /
Created June 18, 2020 19:53
In Re: Mass Branch Renaming

Unless I'm missing something they're gonna have to make it a lot easier to rename default branches in bulk operations. Personally I'm going with 'flockleader' but I think it would take me at least 40 hours to rename all of them in my thousands of forks.

paulyc / PrintBootCampESDInfo.swift
Created May 25, 2020 00:56 — forked from nuomi1/PrintBootCampESDInfo.swift
macOS and BootCamp Latest
#!/usr/bin/env swift
// REPL.swift
// Created by nuomi1 on 8/5/18.
// Copyright © 2018年 nuomi1. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
paulyc /
Created February 10, 2020 18:41 — forked from stevenmirabito/
Installs the broadcom-wl kernel module with DKMS
# Installs the broadcom-wl kernel module with DKMS
# Tested under Fedora 23, will likely work with other versions/distros
# Author: Steven Mirabito <>
# Create a work directory
mkdir -p /tmp/broadcom
cd /tmp/broadcom
# Download the module from Broadcom (
paulyc /
Created February 10, 2020 18:41 — forked from stevenmirabito/
Installs the broadcom-wl kernel module with DKMS
# Installs the broadcom-wl kernel module with DKMS
# Tested under Fedora 23, will likely work with other versions/distros
# Author: Steven Mirabito <>
# Create a work directory
mkdir -p /tmp/broadcom
cd /tmp/broadcom
# Download the module from Broadcom (
paulyc / star-trek-all.tsv
Created February 9, 2020 14:50 — forked from mislav/star-trek-all.tsv
List of Star Trek: The Original Series episodes ranked by their meta-score aggregated from several sites
S-EP episode title score
1-01 The Man Trap -33
1-02 Charlie X 26
1-03 Where No Man Has Gone Before 34
1-04 The Naked Time 64
1-05 The Enemy Within 30
1-06 Mudd's Women -31
1-07 What Are Little Girls Made Of? -1
1-08 Miri -30
1-09 Dagger of the Mind 8
paulyc / bcm57765or57785fix
Created February 8, 2020 23:41 — forked from samgooi4189/bcm57765or57785fix
Fixing Broadcom Corporation BCM57765/57785 SDXC/MMC Card Reader
Follow the WORKAROUND:
1. Add a comand to /etc/rc.local, add the following line above "exit 0":
setpci -s 00:1c.2 0x50.B=0x41
2. Add the same comand to /etc/apm/resume.d/21aspm (which does not exist yet):
setpci -s 00:1c.2 0x50.B=0x41
3. Add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/sdhci.conf:
options sdhci debug_quirks2=4
4. Re-generate initrd:
sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
5. Reboot or reload sdhci module:
paulyc /
Created February 3, 2020 17:46 — forked from ybakos/
A simple example of using an Android Renderer to illustrate OpenGL ES boilerplate.
* Author: Yong Bakos
* Since: 11/26/2012
* Thanks to:
* Cube:
* OpenGL Boilerplate:
package com.humanoriented.sudoku;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
paulyc / NYXAVCEncoder.swift
Created January 28, 2020 03:00 — forked from Nyx0uf/NYXAVCEncoder.swift
Hardware accelerated GIF to MP4 converter in Swift using VideoToolbox
import VideoToolbox
import AVFoundation
private var __canHWAVC: Bool = false
private var __tokenHWAVC: dispatch_once_t = 0
public protocol NYXAVCEncoderDelegate : class
func didEncodeFrame(frame: CMSampleBuffer)
func didFailToEncodeFrame()