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Last active February 28, 2020 01:14
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Organizing exported from *.photoslibrary pictures
#!env bash
# Export files from apple *.photoslibrary (File->Export Unmodified Original) with options "Subfolder Format = Moment Name"
# Run the script against the folder where the images were exported.
# Subfolders will be renamed from format `{MOMENT_NAME}, d Month YYYY` to `[{MOMENT_NAME}]`
# example: `Da Lat - Phường 8 - Tỉnh Lâm Đồng, 3 May 2016` => 2016.05.03[Da Lat - Phường 8 - Tỉnh Lâm Đồng]
if [[ "$DIR" == "" ]]; then
echo "Error: please pass \$1 for directory to organize! "
exit 1
echo "Organizing '$DIR'..."
ls $DIR > source.txt
while read -r SOURCE; do
DEST=`echo $SOURCE | \
sed -e 's/ January /.01./g' \
-e 's/ February /.02./g' \
-e 's/ March /.03./g' \
-e 's/ April /.04./g' \
-e 's/ May /.05./g' \
-e 's/ June /.06./g' \
-e 's/ July /.07./g' \
-e 's/ August /.08./g' \
-e 's/ September /.09./g' \
-e 's/ October /.10./g' \
-e 's/ November /.11./g' \
-e 's/ December /.12./g' \
-e 's/\(.*\),\ \([0-9]\{1,2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{4\}\)/\2[\1]/g' \
-e 's/^\([0-9]\{1\}\.\)/0\1/g' \
-e 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\.\([0-9]\{2\}\)\.\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\3.\2.\1/g'
# here ^ 4 steps:
# 1. Replace month names with number (January => .01.; February => .02.)
# 2. Moving Date to the begining of the name and put moment_name into breakets
# 3. Adding leading zero to the `day` part of the date
# 4. Changing date format from to
echo ">>> Moving '$SOURCE' ---> '$DEST'"
done < source.txt
rm source.txt
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