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Created November 5, 2017 17:48
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(* guestfs-inspection
* Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
open Printf
open C_utils
open Std_utils
open Utils
open Inspect_types
open Inspect_utils
let re_cciss = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(cciss/c\\d+d\\d+)(?:p(\\d+))?$"
let re_diskbyid = PCRE.compile "^/dev/disk/by-id/.*-part(\\d+)$"
let re_freebsd_gpt = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(ada{0,1}|vtbd)(\\d+)p(\\d+)$"
let re_freebsd_mbr = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(ada{0,1}|vtbd)(\\d+)s(\\d+)([a-z])$"
let re_hurd_dev = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(h)d(\\d+)s(\\d+)$"
let re_mdN = PCRE.compile "^/dev/md\\d+$"
let re_netbsd_dev = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(l|s)d([0-9])([a-z])$"
let re_openbsd_dev = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(s|w)d([0-9])([a-z])$"
let re_openbsd_duid = PCRE.compile "^[0-9a-f]{16}\\.[a-z]"
let re_xdev = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(h|s|v|xv)d([a-z]+)(\\d*)$"
let rec check_fstab ?(mdadm_conf = false) (root_mountable : Mountable.t)
os_type =
let configfiles =
"/etc/fstab" :: if mdadm_conf then ["/etc/mdadm.conf"] else [] in
with_augeas ~name:"check_fstab_aug"
configfiles (check_fstab_aug mdadm_conf root_mountable os_type)
and check_fstab_aug mdadm_conf root_mountable os_type aug =
(* Generate a map of MD device paths listed in /etc/mdadm.conf
* to MD device paths in the guestfs appliance.
let md_map = if mdadm_conf then map_md_devices aug else StringMap.empty in
let path = "/files/etc/fstab/*[label() != '#comment']" in
let entries = aug_matches_noerrors aug path in
filter_map (check_fstab_entry md_map root_mountable os_type aug) entries
and check_fstab_entry md_map root_mountable os_type aug entry =
if verbose () then
eprintf "check_fstab_entry: augeas path: %s\n%!" entry;
let is_bsd =
(match os_type with
| OS_TYPE_WINDOWS -> false) in
let spec = aug_get_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/spec") in
let mp = aug_get_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/file") in
let vfstype = aug_get_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/vfstype") in
(match spec, mp, vfstype with
| None, _, _ | Some _, None, _ | Some _, Some _, None -> None
| Some spec, Some mp, Some vfstype ->
if verbose () then
eprintf "check_fstab_entry: spec=%s mp=%s vfstype=%s\n%!"
spec mp vfstype;
(* Ignore /dev/fd (floppy disks) (RHBZ#642929) and CD-ROM drives.
* /dev/iso9660/FREEBSD_INSTALL can be found in FreeBSD's
* installation discs.
if (String.is_prefix spec "/dev/fd" &&
String.length spec >= 8 && Char.isdigit spec.[7]) ||
(String.is_prefix spec "/dev/cd" &&
String.length spec >= 8 && Char.isdigit spec.[7]) ||
spec = "/dev/floppy" ||
spec = "/dev/cdrom" ||
String.is_prefix spec "/dev/iso9660/"
(* Canonicalize the path, so "///usr//local//" -> "/usr/local" *)
let mp = unix_canonical_path mp in
(* Ignore certain mountpoints. *)
if String.is_prefix mp "/dev/" ||
mp = "/dev" ||
String.is_prefix mp "/media/" ||
String.is_prefix mp "/proc/" ||
mp = "/proc" ||
String.is_prefix mp "/selinux/" ||
mp = "/selinux" ||
String.is_prefix mp "/sys/" ||
mp = "/sys"
let mountable =
(* Resolve UUID= and LABEL= to the actual device. *)
if String.is_prefix spec "UUID=" then
let uuid = String.sub spec 5 (String.length spec - 5) in
let uuid = shell_unquote uuid in
Some (Mountable.of_device (Findfs.findfs_uuid uuid))
if String.is_prefix spec "LABEL=" then
let label = String.sub spec 6 (String.length spec - 6) in
let label = shell_unquote label in
Some (Mountable.of_device (Findfs.findfs_label label))
(* Resolve /dev/root to the current device.
* Do the same for the / partition of the *BSD
* systems, since the BSD -> Linux device
* translation is not straight forward.
if spec = "/dev/root" || (is_bsd && mp = "/") then
Some root_mountable else
(* Resolve guest block device names. *)
if String.is_prefix spec "/dev/" then
Some (resolve_fstab_device spec md_map os_type) else
(* In OpenBSD's fstab you can specify partitions
* on a disk by appending a period and a partition
* letter to a Disklable Unique Identifier. The
* DUID is a 16 hex digit field found in the
* OpenBSD's altered BSD disklabel. For more info
* see here:
if PCRE.matches re_openbsd_duid spec then
let part = spec.[17] in
(* We cannot peep into disklabels, we can only
* assume that this is the first disk.
let device = sprintf "/dev/sd0%c" part in
Some (resolve_fstab_device device md_map os_type)
(* Ignore "/.swap" (Pardus) and pseudo-devices
* like "tmpfs". If we haven't resolved the device
* successfully by this point, just ignore it.
(match mountable with
| None -> None
| Some mountable ->
let mountable =
if vfstype = "btrfs" then
get_btrfs_mountable aug entry mountable
mountable in
Some (mountable, mp)))
(* If an fstab entry corresponds to a btrfs filesystem, look for
* the 'subvol' option and if it is present then return a btrfs
* subvolume (else return the whole device).
and get_btrfs_mountable aug entry mountable =
let device =
(match mountable with
| { Mountable.m_type = Mountable.MountableDevice; m_device = device } ->
Some device
| { Mountable.m_type =
(Mountable.MountablePath|Mountable.MountableBtrfsVol _) } ->
None) in
(match device with
| None -> mountable
| Some device ->
let opts = aug_matches_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/opt") in
let rec loop = function
| [] -> mountable (* no subvol, return whole device *)
| opt :: opts ->
let optname = aug_get_noerrors aug opt in
(match optname with
| None -> loop opts
| Some "subvol" ->
let subvol = aug_get_noerrors aug (opt ^ "/value") in
(match subvol with
| None -> loop opts
| Some subvol ->
Mountable.of_btrfsvol device subvol)
| Some _ ->
loop opts)
loop opts)
(* Get a map of md device names in mdadm.conf to their device names
* in the appliance.
and map_md_devices aug =
(* Get a map of md device uuids to their device names in the appliance. *)
let uuid_map = map_app_md_devices () in
(* Nothing to do if there are no md devices. *)
if StringMap.is_empty uuid_map then StringMap.empty else
(* Get all arrays listed in mdadm.conf. *)
let entries = aug_matches_noerrors aug "/files/etc/mdadm.conf/array" in
(* Log a debug entry if we've got md devices but nothing in mdadm.conf. *)
let () = if verbose () && entries = [] then
eprintf "warning: appliance has MD devices, but augeas returned no \
array matches in /etc/mdadm.conf\n%!" in
(fun md_map entry ->
(* Get device name and uuid for each array. *)
let dev = aug_get_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/devicename") in
let uuid = aug_get_noerrors aug (entry ^ "/uuid") in
let dev =
match dev with None -> raise Not_found | Some dev -> dev in
let uuid =
match uuid with None -> raise Not_found | Some uuid -> uuid in
(* Parse the uuid into an md_uuid structure so we can look
* it up in the uuid_map.
let uuid = parse_md_uuid uuid in
let md = StringMap.find uuid uuid_map in
(* If there's a corresponding uuid in the appliance, create
* a new entry in the transitive map.
StringMap.add dev md md_map
(* No Augeas devicename or uuid node found, or could not parse
* uuid, or uuid not present in the uuid_map.
* This is not fatal, just ignore the entry.
| Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> md_map)
StringMap.empty entries
(* Create a mapping of uuids to appliance md device names. *)
and map_app_md_devices () =
let mds = Md.list_md_devices () in
(fun map md ->
let detail = Md.md_detail md in
(* Find the value of the "uuid" key. *)
let uuid = List.assoc "uuid" detail in
let uuid = parse_md_uuid uuid in
StringMap.add uuid md map
(* uuid not found, or could not be parsed - just ignore the entry *)
Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> map)
StringMap.empty mds
(* Taken from parse_uuid in mdadm.
* Raises Invalid_argument if the input is not an MD UUID.
and parse_md_uuid uuid =
let len = String.length uuid in
let out = Bytes.create len in
let j = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to len-1 do
let c = uuid.[i] in
if Char.isxdigit c then (
Bytes.set out !j c;
incr j
) else
if c = ':' || c = '.' || c = ' ' || c = '-' then () else
invalid_arg "parse_md_uuid: invalid character"
if !j <> 32 then
invalid_arg "parse_md_uuid: invalid length";
Bytes.sub_string out 0 !j
(* Resolve block device name to the libguestfs device name, eg.
* /dev/xvdb1 => /dev/vdb1; and /dev/mapper/VG-LV => /dev/VG/LV. This
* assumes that disks were added in the same order as they appear to
* the real VM, which is a reasonable assumption to make. Return
* anything we don't recognize unchanged.
and resolve_fstab_device spec md_map os_type =
(* In any case where we didn't match a device pattern or there was
* another problem, return this default mountable derived from [spec].
let default = Mountable.of_device spec in
let debug_matching what =
if verbose () then
eprintf "resolve_fstab_device: %s matched %s\n%!" spec what
if String.is_prefix spec "/dev/mapper" then (
debug_matching "/dev/mapper";
(* LVM2 does some strange munging on /dev/mapper paths for VGs and
* LVs which contain '-' character:
* ><fs> lvcreate LV--test VG--test 32
* ><fs> debug ls /dev/mapper
* VG----test-LV----test
* This makes it impossible to reverse those paths directly, so
* we have implemented lvm_canonical_lv_name in the daemon.
(match Lvm.lv_canonical spec with
| None -> Mountable.of_device spec
| Some device -> Mountable.of_device device)
(* Ignore devices that don't exist. (RHBZ#811872) *)
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> default
) else
if PCRE.matches re_xdev spec then (
debug_matching "xdev";
let typ = PCRE.sub 1
and disk = PCRE.sub 2
and part = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 3) in
resolve_xdev typ disk part default
) else
if PCRE.matches re_cciss spec then (
debug_matching "cciss";
let disk = PCRE.sub 1
and part = try Some (int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)) with Not_found -> None in
resolve_cciss disk part default
) else
if PCRE.matches re_mdN spec then (
debug_matching "md<N>";
try Mountable.of_device (StringMap.find spec md_map) with
| Not_found -> default
) else
if PCRE.matches re_diskbyid spec then (
debug_matching "diskbyid";
let part = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 1) in
resolve_diskbyid part default
) else
if PCRE.matches re_freebsd_gpt spec then (
debug_matching "FreeBSD GPT";
(* group 1 (type) is not used *)
let disk = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
and part = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 3) in
(* If the FreeBSD disk contains GPT partitions, the translation to Linux
* device names is straight forward. Partitions on a virtio disk are
* prefixed with [vtbd]. IDE hard drives used to be prefixed with [ad]
* and now prefixed with [ada].
if disk >= 0 && disk <= 26 && part >= 0 && part <= 128 then
let dev = sprintf "/dev/sd%c%d"
(Char.chr (disk + Char.code 'a')) part in
Mountable.of_device dev
) else
if PCRE.matches re_freebsd_mbr spec then (
debug_matching "FreeBSD MBR";
(* group 1 (type) is not used *)
let disk = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
and slice = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 3)
(* partition number counting from 0: *)
and part = Char.code (PCRE.sub 4).[0] - Char.code 'a' in
(* FreeBSD MBR disks are organized quite differently. See:
* FreeBSD "partitions" are exposed as quasi-extended partitions
* numbered from 5 in Linux. I have no idea what happens when you
* have multiple "slices" (the FreeBSD term for MBR partitions).
(* Partition 'c' has the size of the enclosing slice.
* Not mapped under Linux.
let part = if part > 2 then part - 1 else part in
if disk >= 0 && disk <= 26 &&
slice > 0 && slice <= 1 (* > 4 .. see comment above *) &&
part >= 0 && part < 25
let dev = sprintf "/dev/sd%c%d"
(Char.chr (disk + Char.code 'a')) (part + 5) in
Mountable.of_device dev
) else
if os_type = OS_TYPE_NETBSD && PCRE.matches re_netbsd_dev spec then (
debug_matching "NetBSD";
(* group 1 (type) is not used *)
let disk = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
(* partition number counting from 0: *)
and part = Char.code (PCRE.sub 3).[0] - Char.code 'a' in
(* Partition 'c' is the disklabel partition and 'd' the hard disk itself.
* Not mapped under Linux.
let part = if part > 3 then part - 2 else part in
if disk >= 0 && part >= 0 && part < 24 then
let dev = sprintf "/dev/sd%c%d"
(Char.chr (disk + Char.code 'a')) (part + 5) in
Mountable.of_device dev
) else
if os_type = OS_TYPE_OPENBSD && PCRE.matches re_openbsd_dev spec then (
debug_matching "OpenBSD";
(* group 1 (type) is not used *)
let disk = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
(* partition number counting from 0: *)
and part = Char.code (PCRE.sub 3).[0] - Char.code 'a' in
(* Partition 'c' is the hard disk itself. Not mapped under Linux. *)
let part = if part > 2 then part - 1 else part in
(* In OpenBSD MAXPARTITIONS is defined to 16 for all architectures. *)
if disk >= 0 && part >= 0 && part < 15 then
let dev = sprintf "/dev/sd%c%d"
(Char.chr (disk + Char.code 'a')) (part + 5) in
Mountable.of_device dev
) else
if PCRE.matches re_hurd_dev spec then (
debug_matching "Hurd";
let typ = PCRE.sub 1
and disk = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
and part = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 3) in
(* Hurd disk devices are like /dev/hdNsM, where hdN is the
* N-th disk and M is the M-th partition on that disk.
* Turn the disk number into a letter-based identifier, so
* we can resolve it easily.
let disk = sprintf "%c" (Char.chr (disk + Char.code 'a')) in
resolve_xdev typ disk part default
) else
(debug_matching "no known device scheme";
(* type: (h|s|v|xv)
* disk: [a-z]+
* part: \d*
and resolve_xdev typ disk part default =
let devices = Devsparts.list_devices () in
let devices = Array.of_list devices in
(* XXX Check any hints we were passed for a non-heuristic mapping.
* The C code used hints here to map device names as known by
* the library user (eg. from metadata) to libguestfs devices here.
* However none of the libguestfs tools ever used this feature.
* Nevertheless we should reimplement it at some point because
* outside callers might require it, and it's a good idea in general.
(* Guess the appliance device name if we didn't find a matching hint. *)
let i = drive_index disk in
if i >= 0 && i < Array.length devices then (
let dev = Array.get devices i in
let dev = dev ^ string_of_int part in
if is_partition dev then
Mountable.of_device dev
(* disk: (cciss/c\d+d\d+)
* part: (\d+)?
and resolve_cciss disk part default =
(* XXX Check any hints we were passed for a non-heuristic mapping.
* The C code used hints here to map device names as known by
* the library user (eg. from metadata) to libguestfs devices here.
* However none of the libguestfs tools ever used this feature.
* Nevertheless we should reimplement it at some point because
* outside callers might require it, and it's a good idea in general.
(* We don't try to guess mappings for cciss devices. *)
(* For /dev/disk/by-id there is a limit to what we can do because
* original SCSI ID information has likely been lost. This
* heuristic will only work for guests that have a single block
* device.
* So the main task here is to make sure the assumptions above are
* true.
* XXX Use hints from virt-p2v if available.
* See also:
and resolve_diskbyid part default =
let nr_devices = Devsparts.nr_devices () in
(* If #devices isn't 1, give up trying to translate this fstab entry. *)
if nr_devices <> 1 then default else
(* Make the partition name and check it exists. *)
let dev = sprintf "/dev/sda%d" part in
if is_partition dev then
Mountable.of_device dev
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