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Last active March 15, 2020 08:19
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Upwork Question/Answers
Let’s see all the Upwork additional questions and answers
1. What past project or job have you had that is most like this one and why?
Ans: According to your job requirements, I have done many projects that are similar to yours. For more details you can review my portfolio, profiles and employment history where you will find projects similar to yours.
2. Do you have suggestions to make this project run successfully?
Ans: I have several suggestions for you regarding this project. According to my concepts, by updating your strategy and applying proper methods, I am very confident that we can make this project successful.
3. What part of this project most appeals to you?
Ans: There are actually two parts of this project that appeal to me more than the others. One part is that all of the requirements are in areas that have a great deal of experience in. The second part is that I really enjoy this kind of work. It is my passion and I take abundant pride and satisfaction in achieving great results.
4. Do you have any questions about the job description?
Ans: Your arrangement of the job description is fully understandable and I have understood it very well. Still I have no questions about your job description. If I need any further information latter, I must convey you and discuss with you in greater detail.
5. What challenging part of this job are you most experienced in?
Ans: Everything about this project is challenging. It is hard to find a project similar to yours that doesn’t pose a challenge these days. This is because SEO is so competitive and you need someone who knows what they are doing to help guide you. My experience will help me set us apart from the field and get you ranked with Google.
6. What questions do you have about the project?
Ans: The job description that you have posted is very informative. I did not find anything that is irrelevant or questionable to me. I will be sure to ask you if I need any questions answered down the road.
7. Why do you think you are a good fit for this particular project?
Ans: I think I am a good fit for this project job because I have all the qualities that you are looking for. Experience is the golden factor with this type of project and I have a minimum of 3+ years of working experience in all of the categories that you need assistance with.
8. Which part of this project do you think will take the most time?
Ans:I have several years of experience in both fields. I always use the most up to date techniques to help gain an edge on the competition. I strongly believe that I will be able to make this project successful within a short period of time.
9. Which of the required job skills do you feel you are strongest at?
Ans: I have carefully read your job description and I have more than 3 years of extensive working experience in both of your required skills. I am extremely confident in my abilities to perform above and beyond your expectations in each phase of this project.
10. Why did you apply to this particular job?
Ans: I have applied to this particular job because I not only meet, but exceed all of the requirements for this project. I can assure you that, if given the opportunity, we will be successful and you will reap great satisfaction. Also I never apply to a job that doesn’t match my skills.
11. Why should I hire you?
Ans: I not only meet, but exceed all of the requirements for this project. I can assure you that, if given the opportunity, we will be successful and you will reap great satisfaction. Besides I never apply to a job that doesn’t match my skills. I have done many projects similar to this over the years and I know the ins and outs of this field. If you want to be successful and get ranked by Google you need to hire someone who has done it before. This is why I believe that I am your best option.
12. Why should I chose you over the other 100 that have applied for this Job?
Ans: This is a good question. Upwork will offer you many workers who claim that they know what they are doing. I am completely different from them. I have a long term plan with milestones along the way. This is not my first rodeo and I am not here to cheat you. Rather, I am here to help you succeed by doing what I do best.
13. What can you do for us that someone else can’t?
Ans: It is difficult to say what another freelancer whom I have never met can and cannot do. Different workers have different skills and different past experiences. I can, however, assure you about myself that I never apply for or accept a project in which I know that I can’t succeed at. I consider my skills and knowledge before I assure my clients anything. For this reason you can be sure that your project will be successful in due time.
14. Have you read the job description fully and understand it and feel you are an ideal candidate for the job?
Ans: Great question. I never attempt to apply for a job without having a complete understanding of the task at hand and supreme confidence in my ability to be successful. I took my time in carefully reading the job description and only then did I decide to apply.
15. Do you have previous experience? If so, do you have some examples?
Ans: This is a good question, my dear client. Yes, I have a lot of previous experience. For details, you can view my profile, work history and feedback. I have also attached some of my portfolio for you to view that is more relevant to your question.
16. How long do you need to complete this task?
Ans: I am always a first learner. I have studied your project very well and understand it well. I have a strong belief that I would be able to complete your task in a short period of time.
17. What is important for you in a company you work for?
Ans: Freelancers are always exciting to satisfy their clients but very few clients think about worker’s satisfaction. I am really thankful to you for asking this question. I appreciate good behavior, well circumstances, good communications, friendly approach and time to time payment.
18. How much time do you think it will take to accomplish the task for google results ?
Ans: Competition is everywhere. People always want to be ranked in google. As a result competition is increasing day by day. The problem is that most people do not use the updated methods to achieve a high ranking. I know and understand what buttons to push and when to push them so that I can I always hit the iron when it is hot. That’s why I can assure you that I will be able to do help you get ranked in a short period of time compared to everyone else.
19. How much time do you think it will take to receive a high ranking with Google?
Ans: Competition is everywhere and it is extremely important to receive a good ranking with Google. The problem is that most people do not use the updated methods to achieve a high ranking. I know and understand what buttons to push and when to push them so that I can I always hit the iron when it is hot. That’s why I can assure you that I will be able to do help you get ranked in a short period of time compared to everyone else.
20. What SEO jobs have you done in the past?
Ans: I have successfully completed many SEO projects before, which you can see in my employment history and portfolio projects. I am confident that I will be successful with this particular project and I assure you that you will not make a mistake in hiring me.
21. How much time will you need to work on this project to see results and how will you spend your time working on this project?
Ans: I strongly believe that I will be able to achieve success in a short period of time. I will spend my time working on this project hourly and I will report to you as needed.
22. Have you done high quality back-linking before? if so what sites do you use?
Ans: I have done high PR back-linking before and ranked multiple sites. You can check my employment history and portfolio. (You can also include some links here)
23. Who have you worked with that has yielded quick results. What was the cost to client to receive positive results?
Ans: I have successfully completed a variety of projects. You can view my portfolio and employment history for more details. I always take a fair price and will take any and all concerns regarding cost and payment method into consideration.
24. Tell me how you would go about increasing my rankings for my website?
Ans: Ranking a website on particular keywords has become increasingly difficult. If you have relevant ideas and skills about the search engines’ logarithm, you must stay ahead of the competition. I will utilize my wide skill-set to ensure that your site is search engine friendly and then I will increase its popularity, which will have a very positive effect on its rank.
25. Can you read and understand English to a reasonable standard?
Ans: Yes, I can read and understand English to a reasonable standard. Although English is my second language, I practice it very well and I can read, write, listen and speak fluently in English. This ensures that I clearly understand your project request and that there will not be any type of communication issues.
26. Tell me how you would go about increasing my rankings for my website?
Ans: Ranking is very competitive in today’s market. For a professional marketer, such as myself, this is a project where success is very realistic. Pro marketers always do research to keep up with the ever-changing and improving technology. In one hand, competition increases and in another hand, technology updates. So as a pro marketer and researcher, I can promise you that I know what I am doing and I have done it many times in the past. I know the proper steps to take and I do not take shortcuts.
27. How long does it take to rank a website? on google?
Ans: Let me tell you the truth behind SEO ranking. SEO is now a difficult process as everyone wants to rank their business. For this reason, the search engine’s logarithm is now updated and spam free. As a result, ranking a site overnight is completely impossible. SEO is a gradual process now. We have to rank a site gradually day by day. If you ask for an estimate, it may take 6 to 12+ months to get a website ranked in search engines.
It also depends on the site’s keyword competition. If the keyword competition level is high, it will take much more time to get ranked. If the competition level is low, it will take less time to get ranked. Of course, we have to do white hat tasks for ranking a site. Black hat tasks are seriously harmful for a site. I always appreciate and do all the white hat methods to rank a website. Requesting you to give me a chance to display my talent by working on your project. I strongly believe that I am your best candidate and I assure you that I will take your project serious each and every day.
28. How would you Market a new product with $0 Budget a year?
Ans: Thank you very much for asking a valuable question. I am going to put the answer in a short list. Please review the below list.
1. Leverage Communities
a. Subreddits
b. Craiglist
c. FB Groups
d. Quora
e. Niche Forums
f. Twitter
2. Incentivize users to share
a. $1 discount for every new sell from a user invite
b. $1 discount for sharing on fb or twitter
c. Create viral interactions such as quizzes or giveaways
3. Affiliate Programs
4. Blogger & Youtuber
a. give free products in exchange for reviews
5. Guest Blogging
a. provide quality content and sopt pitch your product
6. Reach out to your existing network
a. Friends
b. Families
c. Co-workers
d. Social media connections
7. Get your friends and family to share
8. Sell in person
a. Local meetup groups
b. industry events
c. door to door
9. Provide Free Service
a. Quick Sprout
b. Entrepreneur
c. KISSmetrics
29. Tell me about a brand that you like its marketing approach? and why do you like it?
Ans: Of course NIKE. I am surprised to see its marketing strategy. It knows well about client’s demand and provide several products according to the test of customers. I think the people who even never used any product of Nike, knows Nike very well. Nike’s media coverage and time to time product delivery are really appeals me.
30. Do you have a past experience for copy writing?
Ans: Yes, I have past experiences for copy writing. I am blogger and write minimum two blog posts per day in my personal blog. I’ve added many samples in my portfolio area. I would request you to review them all.
31. Do you have a bachelors degree with journalism/ BA in English literature?
Ans: If you have this degree, please write “I have the required degree that you are asking for”. You can also put some information about your study areas. If you do not have that degree but you are skilled about the facts that are mentioned in the job description, please continue presenting that in a good way.
32. Have you worked on SEO , show me samples and examples with keywords ranking, Goal set up should be known.
Ans: Yes, I have been working on SEO for more than 3 years and I know the updated algorithm of google ranking process. I have ranked many sites and keywords. Also I am going to provide my ranking sites and keywords list in a row. I also know the process of goal set up.
33. Show me some examples of citations you have claimed in the past?
Ans: Citations are commonly known as business listings, directory listings, Yelp, business posting, directory submission, and so on. If you worked on citation before, please put a short list of your tasks.
34. How do you search for duplicate citations?
Ans: Duplicate listings can destroy your business and search engine presence. For finding out duplicate citations, I will make a citation sites list first. After that, I manually search in all the directories for the duplicate contents. Then I will take the action to remove the duplicate one.
35. What websites have you developed before?
Ans: I have developed several types of websites. I applied for your job because I met all the requirements that you were looking for. I am going to put a list of my developed websites. (Please put a list of your own developed sites, try to do short list and different types of site)
36. Have you taken any Upwork tests and done well on them that you think are relevant to this job?
Ans: Yes, I have taken Upwork Skill Tests and I performed quite well. You can check my rankings in the Test area on my profile. Default system of Upwork tests is a good method of justify oneself. And yes I appreciate it as well as I did well in here.
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