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  1. React-intl with formatJS
  2. React-i18next
React-i18next React-intl
monthly downloads 6033996 4061606
Maintainence Maintained Maintained
Relay on external dependencies 3 10
Translation function along with plurals, context and interpolation provided provided
support for different framworks More Less
Time and date formatting provides built in intl API(in latest version) provides built in intl API
translation loading mechanism and browser language detection plugins provided handle manually
Auto Extract strings from Js and put in JSON plugin provided plugin provided
callbacks for untranslated key/values provided not provided

Currenty industry standards are moving toward React-i18next and is more of a swiss army knife, it does many things relatively well and is lightweight as well.

Important I18next plugins for React Applications

Plugin Description
react-i18next A complete solution to localize React based frontend along with passing i18n in complex techniques and components including higher-order components(HOC), hooks, render props etc
browser language detector detect language from browser, cookie or from localstorage
i18next parser automated extraction of strings present in js.
backend (if needed) provides different backends to manage translations and ability to load them dynamically to reduce initial bundle size of translations
enable use of ICU format with i18next Enables use of ICU message format in JSON translation files used with i18next

Alby specific configuration::

Plugins used

a. react-i18next b. browser language detector

translation file format

JSON based file

JSON file per locale

Per locale single JSON file containing all the translations.

its good practice to use translation directory structure similar to the code files present in the code base. i.e for each code file there is corresponding JSON file holding translation for that particular code file.

For Alby, extension has minimal set of strings to be translated. also demo page is withing website and not in extension itself so per locale we can use only single json file

translation file loading

we can either use http-backend plugin to load translations dynamically or load json file directly by instructing typescript compiler to allow the json file loading.

we are not using multiple translation files for single locale as mentioned above so directly loading translation is the best option

translation function

different methods are provided to pass translation function to the component

a. Using hooks

const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();

b. Using HOC

# wrap component with the withTranslation() method
export default withTranslation()(MyComponent);

c. Using render prop

        t => <h1>{t('Welcome to React')}</h1>

d. Using trans component

<Trans><H1>Welcome to React</H1></Trans>

depending on the context we can use any of the method

i18n rules

key naming

key shall clearly represent the context of the string eg. when translating title string we can name key as .title which represent the clear context of the string which key holds.

using nesting of keys

complete key shall be named in such a way so that when translator or any person sees the key present in json file , he/she shall be able to findout that in which code file that particular key belongs

to do so reacti18next provides facility to nest the keys in json file when keySeparator value is set to true

if filenames are appropriate we can use key naming such as file_name + key_name eg. ConfirmPayment.title

in our case most of the files present in folder structure are index.tsx. so we can go with folder_name + keyName eg. ConfirmPayment.title

alternate for nesting of keys

we can use concept of namespace provided by the library eg. const { t } = useTranslation('myNamespace'); now use t method as t('key_name') library will grab the string for that particular namespace only

here namespace can act as folder name and in translation function we are free to use key-name only without doing any separation of keys

making translation function type safe

for typescript>4.1 we need additional config inorder to achieve full type safety for t function

locale switcher

local switcher will hold drop down representing native language name , in background language names are mapped with locale, selection of any language will set the corresponding locale of the selected language.

locale persistence accross route and different pages

local shall be persisted when user refreshes the page, and navigate to any other page/component

this can be easily done by removing lang: "en" in the init configuration of i18next and locale will be persisted accross routes and page refreshes using browser language detector plugin. lang attribute just overrides the behaviour of language detector plugin. so removing lang attribute and using plugin helps to persist the locale

persisting locale throughout different sessions

i18n.language once set , persists locale for newer sessions. i.e if user sets locale to :el and then closes alby and then comes back again, content will be in :el and not in default or fallback language. this is also done by detector plugin. i18n.language will detect the locale using following flow


for testing purpose its good to have alternate language running in parallel with english language while doing i18n for project As an alternate language i can speak Hindi :hi , i can translate alby to :hi or if translators are provided i can pass translation files created to the translators for performing translations.

Continuous localization

We can use Weblate setup but currently in perspective of initial i18n setup, we must focus more on above mentioned i18n rules and conventions and maintain consistency in i18n throughout the codebase so unless i18n is set up completely its not much required

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