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Created March 12, 2015 12:02
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Wi-Fi scan for Apple OS X (maybe works for iOS too)
/* The official example for CoreWLAN is now obsolete,
so here's a small command-line example that works with Xcode 6 and Yosemite.
It only demonstrates how to get basic wi-fi connection properties and scan.
Enjoy! 01-Mar-2015
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreWLAN/CoreWLAN.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char const *phyModeName( enum CWPHYMode n )
switch( (int)n ) {
case kCWPHYModeNone: return "none";
case kCWPHYMode11n: return "802.11n";
case kCWPHYMode11a: return "802.11a";
case kCWPHYMode11ac: return "802.11ac";
case kCWPHYMode11g: return "802.11g";
case kCWPHYMode11b: return "802.11b";
default: return "other/unknown";
char const *intfModeName( enum CWInterfaceMode m )
switch( (int)m ) {
case kCWInterfaceModeNone: return "none";
case kCWInterfaceModeStation: return "STA";
case kCWInterfaceModeIBSS: return "ADHOC";
case kCWInterfaceModeHostAP: return "AP";
default: return "unknown";
// Enumerate available wi-fi interfaces and print:
void enumWifiInterfaces()
NSArray *aif = CWWiFiClient.interfaceNames;
for ( NSString *s in aif) {
NSLog(@"Ifname: %@\n", s);
// Convert NSstring to a "normal C" string, fast and dirty
char const * toCstr(NSString *ns ) {
return [ns cStringUsingEncoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
// - Register as CoreWLAN client
// - get some connection properties
// - Scan and display some neigbor info
int wlanTest()
CWWiFiClient *wfc = CWWiFiClient.sharedWiFiClient;
//NSLog(@"client: %@\n", wfc);
if ( !wfc ) {
return 1;
CWInterface *wif = wfc.interface; // get default interface
if (!wif) {
return 1;
printf("Default wifi interface name: %s\n", toCstr(wif.interfaceName));
CWPHYMode phyMode = wif.activePHYMode;
printf("Phy mode = %s\n", phyModeName((int)phyMode) );
printf("Intf. mode: %s\n", intfModeName(wif.interfaceMode));
if ( wif.interfaceMode == kCWInterfaceModeStation ) {
printf("RSSI with assoc. AP (dBm)=%d ", (int)wif.rssiValue); // returns 0 if not assoc. or error
printf("Noise (dBm)=%d\n", (int)wif.noiseMeasurement); // -"-"-
NSError *err;
// Nil for SSID does normal passive scan
// Scan returns NSset of CWNetwork*
NSSet *scanset = [wif scanForNetworksWithSSID:Nil error:&err];
if (err) {
printf("Scan failed, err=%ld\n", err.code);
return 1;
printf("Scan found %d networks\n", (int)scanset.count);
if ( scanset.count != 0 ) {
int ix = 1;
for (CWNetwork * nw in scanset)
printf(" %d. Bssid=%s rssi=%ld on channel %ld\n", ix++, toCstr([nw bssid] ), (long)[nw rssiValue], (long)[[nw wlanChannel] channelNumber]);
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
printf("Wi-Fi scan test on the default adapter\n");
return 0;
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