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Created July 18, 2013 01:28
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public class Trie {
private Map<String, Node> roots = new HashMap<>();
public Trie() {}
public Trie(List<String> argInitialWords) {
for (String word:argInitialWords) {
public void addWord(String argWord) {
public void addWord(char[] argWord) {
Node currentNode = null;
if (!roots.containsKey(Character.toString(argWord[0]))) {
roots.put(Character.toString(argWord[0]), new Node(argWord[0], "" + argWord[0]));
currentNode = roots.get(Character.toString(argWord[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < argWord.length; i++) {
if (currentNode.getChild(argWord[i]) == null) {
currentNode.addChild(new Node(argWord[i], currentNode.getValue() + argWord[i]));
currentNode = currentNode.getChild(argWord[i]);
public boolean containsPrefix(String argPrefix) {
return contains(argPrefix.toCharArray(), false);
public boolean containsWord(String argWord) {
return contains(argWord.toCharArray(), true);
public Node getWord(String argString) {
Node node = getNode(argString.toCharArray());
return node != null && node.isWord() ? node : null;
public Node getPrefix(String argString) {
return getNode(argString.toCharArray());
public String toString() {
return roots.toString();
private boolean contains(char[] argString, boolean argIsWord) {
Node node = getNode(argString);
return (node != null && node.isWord() && argIsWord) || (!argIsWord && node != null) ? true : false;
private Node getNode(char[] argString) {
Node currentNode = roots.get(Character.toString(argString[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < argString.length && currentNode != null; i++) {
currentNode = currentNode.getChild(argString[i]);
if (currentNode == null) {
return null;
return currentNode;
public class Node {
private final Character ch;
private final String value;
private Map<String, Node> children = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isValidWord;
public Node(char argChar, String argValue) {
ch = argChar;
value = argValue;
public boolean addChild(Node argChild) {
if (children.containsKey(Character.toString(argChild.getChar()))) {
return false;
children.put(Character.toString(argChild.getChar()), argChild);
return true;
public boolean containsChildValue(char c) {
return children.containsKey(Character.toString(c));
public String getValue() {
return value.toString();
public char getChar() {
return ch;
public Node getChild(char c) {
return children.get(Character.toString(c));
public boolean isWord() {
return isValidWord;
public void setIsWord(boolean argIsWord) {
isValidWord = argIsWord;
public String toString() {
return value;
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