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Created June 23, 2015 12:18
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# Negative log likelihood for parameters `theta`, based on a subset `y` from
# a sample of `n` iid values, associated with ranks in `m`.
Lambda <- function(theta, y, m, n) {
mu <- theta[1]; sigma <- theta[2]
powers <- diff(c(0, m, n+1)) - 1
gaps <- diff(c(0, pnorm(y, mu, sigma), 1))
z <- dnorm(y, mu, sigma)
#a <- lgamma(n+1) - sum(lgamma(powers+1)) # Log multinomial coefficient
b <- sum(log(z)) + sum(powers*log(gaps))
return (-b)
# Return the Weibull probability plotting points for `n` values.
pp <- function(n) {
mid <- c()
if (n >= 3) mid <- (2:(n-1) - 0.3175)/(n + 0.365)
u <- (1/2)^(1/n)
c(1 - u, mid, u)
# ROS fit.
ROS <- function(y, m, n) {
sigma <- qnorm(pp(n)[m])
return (coef(lm(y ~ sigma)))
# MLE fit (estimates only).
MLE <- function(y, m, n) {
theta <- ROS(y, m, n) # Use ROS for an initial estimate
fit <- optim(theta, Lambda, y=y, m=m, n=n)
z <- c(fit$par, theta)
names(z) <- c("mu.MLE", "sigma.MLE", "mu.ROS", "sigma.ROS")
return (z) # Return MLE *and* ROS estimates
# Generate a dataset from a known Normal distribution.
n <- 100
m <- sort(c(98, 59, 27)) # The ranks to select
set.seed(17) # Allow reproducible results
x <- sort(rnorm(n)) # Sort the data once and for all
y <- x[m] # All fitting is based only on `y`, `m`, and `n`
# Fit using both methods.
fit <- MLE(y, m, n)
mu.hat <- fit[1]; sigma.hat <- fit[2]
# Plot the MLE fit.
pp.x <- qnorm(pp(n), mu.hat, sigma.hat)
pp.y <- pp.x[m]
plot(pp.x, x, col="Gray", xlab="Fit", ylab="Values",
main="Simulated Data, n=100")
abline(c(0,1), col="Black", lty=3)
points(pp.y, y, pch=16, col="#d03020", cex=1.25)
# Peform a Monte-Carlo assessment of the bias and variance of both.
system.time({ # Takes about 4 seconds per 1000 iterations
sim <- replicate(1e3, {
x <- sort(rnorm(n))
y <- x[m]
MLE(y, m, n)
rowMeans(sim) # Average estimates of the parameters
apply(sim, 1, sd) # Standard deviations of those estimates
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