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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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* [0.9.x] BattleMessenger - chat fiters & antispam
* Author: Assassik
* Version: 3.0
* Readme:
* Forum link:
* Source code:
* - To edit this file use an editor that supports UTF-8, for example Notepad ++. WordPad does not support this encoding, and will "kill" the config file.
// Global switch for mod - true/false
"enabled": true,
// Number of displayed messages at same time
// Available values:
// -1 = unlimited (original WG setup)
// 0 = disable chat completly
// number > 0 = number of displayed messages
"chatLength": 10,
// Chat width (default = 250)
"chatWidth": 250, // (pixels)
// Chat background transparency (0 - 100)
"backgroundAlpha": 100,
// Enable or disable mod in battle by hotkey
// You can combinate max. two keys by setting "key1+key2" (need to hold both keys at same time)
"hotkeySwitch": "CTRL+C",
// Close chat when you pressed W, S, A or D key more than three times in row
"drivingProtection": true,
// Blocking rules
// Applied in this order: squad, clan, battle type
// Available values:
// "none" - won't be applied
// "dead" - applied only on dead players
// "alive" - applied only on alive players
// "both" - applied on dead and alive players
"blockAlly": {
"squad": "none", // squad members
"clan": "none", // clan members
// Battle types
"randomBattle": "none", // random battles
"teamBattle": "none", // team battles (7x7)
"companyBattle": "none", // company battles
"specialBattle": "none", // special battles (clan wars)
"trainingBattle": "none" // training battles
"blockEnemy": {
"clan": "none", // clan members
// Battle types
"randomBattle": "none", // random battles
"teamBattle": "none", // team battles (7x7)
"companyBattle": "none", // company battles
"specialBattle": "none", // special battles (clan wars)
"trainingBattle": "none" // training battles
// Filters (antispam, WG filters, custom filters and XVM)
"filters": {
// Enable filters for these players
// Available values:
// "none" - won't be filtered
// "dead" - filter dead players
// "alive" - filter alive players
// "both" - filter dead and alive players
"filterAlly": {
"squad": "none", // squad members
"clan": "none", // clan members
// Battle types
"randomBattle": "both", // random battles
"companyBattle": "none", // company battles
"specialBattle": "none", // special battles (clan wars)
"trainingBattle": "none" // training battles
"filterEnemy": {
"clan": "none", // clan members
// Battle types
"randomBattle": "both", // random battles
"companyBattle": "none", // company battles
"specialBattle": "none", // special battles (clan wars)
"trainingBattle": "none" // training battles
"antispam": {
// Prevent message duplicity (per player)
"duplicityCount": 2, // >= 1 - Limit of identical messages from one player per interval
"duplicityInterval": 7, // (sec); 0 - disable
// Prevent spam, by setting max. number of messages per x sec from one player
"playerCount": 3, // >= 1 - Number of messages from one player per interval
"playerInterval": 7 // (sec); 0 - disable
// Enable/disable set of WG filters (from lobby chat rooms), EU only
// Full list of bad words:
"WG_Filters": false,
// List of custom filters - block all messages containing these words or patterns
// See header for more details, or visit forum topic
// Every word must by inside "quotes" and separated by commas.
"customFilters": [
"clan", "recru.*", "search.*",
"noob.*", ".*fuck.*", "idiot.*", "uninstall", "tetris", "l2p"
// Filter by ratings. You can use all Statistic macros, see doc/macros.txt
"ratingFilters": {
"wn8": 800,
"eff": 300
// Testing mode - don't hide any messages
// Enable sending extra debug info massages, like "Config loaded" or "Config error..."
// Extended info about messages, see forum
"debugMode": false // true = enable
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