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Forked from re1ro/rAF.js
Created December 9, 2012 23:05
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requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by @rma4ok
!function (window) {
equestAnimationFrame = 'equestAnimationFrame',
requestAnimationFrame = 'r' + equestAnimationFrame,
ancelAnimationFrame = 'ancelAnimationFrame',
cancelAnimationFrame = 'c' + ancelAnimationFrame,
expectedTime = 0,
vendors = ['moz', 'ms', 'o', 'webkit'],
while (!window[requestAnimationFrame] && (vendor = vendors.pop())) {
window[requestAnimationFrame] = window[vendor + 'R' + equestAnimationFrame];
window[cancelAnimationFrame] =
window[vendor + 'C' + ancelAnimationFrame] ||
window[vendor + 'CancelR' + equestAnimationFrame];
if (!window[requestAnimationFrame]) {
window[requestAnimationFrame] = function (callback) {
currentTime = +new Date,
adjustedDelay = 16 - (currentTime - expectedTime),
delay = adjustedDelay > 0 ? adjustedDelay : 0;
expectedTime = currentTime + delay;
return setTimeout(function () {
}, delay);
window[cancelAnimationFrame] = clearTimeout;
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