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Last active November 7, 2022 23:35
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Micropython SHT30: reading temperature and humidity
"""Simple module for reading temperature and humidity
from SHT30 sensor for micropython
it is a simplest version only for inspiration,
where is no checking availability of sensor
and no checking CRC of data
for waiting to measured data is used clock stretching
def read(i2c, address=68):
"""Read temperature and humidity from SHT30 sensor
i2c: instance of i2c
address: I2C address
Returns: c, f, h
c: temperature in degree Celsius (-45 .. 130)
f: temperature in degree Fahrenheit (-49 .. 266)
h: relative humidity in % (0 .. 100)
i2c.writeto(address, b'\x2c\x06')
m = i2c.readfrom(address, 6)
c = int.from_bytes(m[0:2], 'big') * 175 / 65535 - 45
f = int.from_bytes(m[0:2], 'big') * 315 / 65535 - 49
h = int.from_bytes(m[3:5], 'big') * 100 / 65535
return c, f, h
import machine
import sht30
scl = machine.Pin(22)
sda = machine.Pin(23)
i2c0 = machine.I2C(0, scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=50000)
print(, 68))
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