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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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# coding=utf-8
from itertools import product
import time
m = 10
squares = set([x * x for x in range(2 * m)])
delimeters = {1: set({})} # Словарь делителей чисел
for x, y in product(xrange(2, m + 1), repeat=2):
if x % y == 0:
delimeters.setdefault(x, set({})).add(y)
diagonals = {}
diagonals[(1, 1)] = 1 # Кол-во точек на диагонали прямоугольника x,y -1.
for x, y in product(xrange(1, m + 1), repeat=2):
if (x, y) not in diagonals:
diagonals[(x, y)] = 1
common_delimeters = delimeters[x].intersection(delimeters[y])
for p in common_delimeters:
if (x / p, y / p) in diagonals:
diagonals[(x, y)] = p * diagonals[(x / p, y / p)]
def count_tr(a, b):
return (a * b - a - b - diagonals[a, b]) / 2 + 1
def count_q(a, b, c, d):
count = a + b + c + d - 3 # точки на осях
count += count_tr(a, b) # точки внутри треугольника
count += count_tr(b, c)
count += count_tr(c, d)
count += count_tr(d, a)
return count
t1 = time.clock()
result = 0
for a, b, c, d in product(range(1, m + 1), repeat=4):
if count_q(a, b, c, d) in squares:
result += 1
print result
print time.clock() - t1
# 4 42 0
# 10 862 0.01
# 20 5582 0.3
# 40 45655 4.7
# 50 88013 11
# 100 694687
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