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Created September 11, 2016 07:34
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package loaders
import (
_ ""
func init() {
internal.SchemaLoaders["postgres"] = internal.TypeLoader{
ProcessRelkind: PgRelkind,
Schema: func(*internal.ArgType) (string, error) { return "public", nil },
ParseType: PgParseType,
EnumList: models.PgEnums,
EnumValueList: models.PgEnumValues,
ProcList: models.PgProcs,
ProcParamList: models.PgProcParams,
TableList: models.PgTables,
ColumnList: func(db models.XODB, schema string, table string) ([]*models.Column, error) {
return models.PgTableColumns(db, schema, table, internal.Args.EnablePostgresOIDs)
ForeignKeyList: models.PgTableForeignKeys,
IndexList: models.PgTableIndexes,
IndexColumnList: PgIndexColumns,
QueryStrip: PgQueryStrip,
QueryColumnList: PgQueryColumns,
// PgRelkind returns the postgres string representation for RelType.
func PgRelkind(relType internal.RelType) string {
var s string
switch relType {
case internal.Table:
s = "r"
case internal.View:
s = "v"
panic("unsupported RelType")
return s
// PgParseType parse a postgres type into a Go type based on the column
// definition.
func PgParseType(args *internal.ArgType, dt string, nullable bool) (int, string, string) {
precision := 0
nilVal := "nil"
asSlice := false
// handle SETOF
if strings.HasPrefix(dt, "SETOF ") {
_, _, t := PgParseType(args, dt[len("SETOF "):], false)
return 0, "nil", "[]" + t
// determine if it's a slice
if strings.HasSuffix(dt, "[]") {
dt = dt[:len(dt)-2]
asSlice = true
// extract precision
dt, precision, _ = args.ParsePrecision(dt)
var typ string
switch dt {
case "boolean":
nilVal = "false"
typ = "bool"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullBool{}"
typ = "sql.NullBool"
case "character", "character varying", "text", "money":
nilVal = `""`
typ = "string"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullString{}"
typ = "sql.NullString"
case "smallint":
nilVal = "0"
typ = "int16"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "integer":
nilVal = "0"
typ = args.Int32Type
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "bigint":
nilVal = "0"
typ = "int64"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "smallserial":
nilVal = "0"
typ = "uint16"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "serial":
nilVal = "0"
typ = args.Uint32Type
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "bigserial":
nilVal = "0"
typ = "uint64"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "real":
nilVal = "0.0"
typ = "float32"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullFloat64{}"
typ = "sql.NullFloat64"
case "numeric", "double precision":
nilVal = "0.0"
typ = "float64"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullFloat64{}"
typ = "sql.NullFloat64"
case "bytea":
asSlice = true
typ = "byte"
case "date", "timestamp with time zone":
typ = "*time.Time"
if nullable {
nilVal = "pq.NullTime{}"
typ = "pq.NullTime"
case "time with time zone", "time without time zone", "timestamp without time zone":
nilVal = "0"
typ = "int64"
if nullable {
nilVal = "sql.NullInt64{}"
typ = "sql.NullInt64"
case "interval":
typ = "*time.Duration"
case `"char"`, "bit":
// FIXME: this needs to actually be tested ...
// i think this should be 'rune' but I don't think database/sql
// supports 'rune' as a type?
// this is mainly here because postgres's pg_catalog.* meta tables have
// this as a type.
//typ = "rune"
nilVal = `uint8(0)`
typ = "uint8"
case `"any"`, "bit varying":
asSlice = true
typ = "byte"
if strings.HasPrefix(dt, args.Schema+".") {
// in the same schema, so chop off
typ = internal.SnakeToIdentifier(dt[len(args.Schema)+1:])
nilVal = typ + "(0)"
} else {
typ = internal.SnakeToIdentifier(dt)
nilVal = typ + "{}"
// special case for []slice
if typ == "string" && asSlice {
return precision, "StringSlice{}", "StringSlice"
// correct type if slice
if asSlice {
typ = "[]" + typ
nilVal = "nil"
return precision, nilVal, typ
// pgQueryStripRE is the regexp to match the '::type AS name' portion in a query,
// which is a quirk/requirement of generating queries as is done in this
// package.
var pgQueryStripRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)::[a-z][a-z0-9_\.]+\s+AS\s+[a-z][a-z0-9_\.]+`)
// PgQueryStrip strips stuff.
func PgQueryStrip(query []string, queryComments []string) {
for i, l := range query {
pos := pgQueryStripRE.FindStringIndex(l)
if pos != nil {
query[i] = l[:pos[0]] + l[pos[1]:]
queryComments[i+1] = l[pos[0]:pos[1]]
} else {
queryComments[i+1] = ""
// PgQueryColumns parses the query and generates a type for it.
func PgQueryColumns(args *internal.ArgType, inspect []string) ([]*models.Column, error) {
var err error
// create temporary view xoid
xoid := "_xo_" + internal.GenRandomID()
viewq := `CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW ` + xoid + ` AS (` + strings.Join(inspect, "\n") + `)`
_, err = args.DB.Exec(viewq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// query to determine schema name where temporary view was created
var nspq = `SELECT n.nspname ` +
`FROM pg_class c ` +
`JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace ` +
`WHERE n.nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%' AND c.relname = $1`
// run query
var schema string
models.XOLog(nspq, xoid)
err = args.DB.QueryRow(nspq, xoid).Scan(&schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// load column information
return models.PgTableColumns(args.DB, schema, xoid, false)
// PgIndexColumns returns the column list for an index.
func PgIndexColumns(db models.XODB, schema string, table string, index string) ([]*models.IndexColumn, error) {
var err error
// load columns
cols, err := models.PgIndexColumns(db, schema, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// load col order
colOrd, err := models.PgGetColOrder(db, schema, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// build schema name used in errors
s := schema
if s != "" {
s = s + "."
// put cols in order using colOrder
ret := []*models.IndexColumn{}
for _, v := range strings.Split(colOrd.Ord, " ") {
cid, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not convert %s%s index %s column %s to int", s, table, index, v)
// find column
found := false
var c *models.IndexColumn
for _, ic := range cols {
if cid == ic.Cid {
found = true
c = ic
// sanity check
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find %s%s index %s column id %d", s, table, index, cid)
ret = append(ret, c)
return ret, nil
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