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Last active July 3, 2023 17:05
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using Ical.Net;
using Ical.Net.DataTypes;
public class ToText {
private static readonly string[] MonthNames = {
private readonly List<int>? _byMonthDay;
private readonly ByWeekDayRec? _byWeekDay;
private readonly Func<DateTime, string> _dateFormatter;
private readonly RecurrencePattern _recurrencePattern;
private readonly List<string> _text = new();
public ToText(RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern, Func<DateTime, string>? dateFormatter = null) {
_recurrencePattern = recurrencePattern;
_dateFormatter = dateFormatter ?? DefaultDateFormatter;
DayOfWeek[] weekdays = {
DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DayOfWeek.Wednesday, DayOfWeek.Thursday,
DayOfWeek[] weekend = { DayOfWeek.Friday, DayOfWeek.Saturday };
bool Contains(DayOfWeek d) => _recurrencePattern.ByDay.Any(z => z.DayOfWeek == d);
bool NContains(DayOfWeek d) => _recurrencePattern.ByDay.All(z => z.DayOfWeek != d);
if (_recurrencePattern.ByDay.Count > 0) {
var allWeeks = _recurrencePattern.ByDay.Where(r => r.Offset == 0).ToList();
var someWeeks = _recurrencePattern.ByDay.Where(r => r.Offset != 0).ToList();
var isWeekDays = weekdays.All(Contains) && weekend.All(NContains);
var isEveryDay = weekdays.All(Contains) && weekend.All(Contains);
_byWeekDay = new ByWeekDayRec(allWeeks, someWeeks, isWeekDays, isEveryDay);
if (_recurrencePattern.ByMonthDay.Count > 0) {
var positive = _recurrencePattern.ByMonthDay.Where(r => r > 0).Order().ToList();
var negative = _recurrencePattern.ByMonthDay.Where(r => r < 0).Order().ToList();
_byMonthDay = positive.Concat(negative).ToList();
public string ToFriendlyName() {
switch (_recurrencePattern.Frequency) {
case FrequencyType.Minutely:
case FrequencyType.Hourly:
case FrequencyType.Daily:
case FrequencyType.Weekly:
case FrequencyType.Monthly:
case FrequencyType.Yearly:
case FrequencyType.Secondly:
case FrequencyType.None:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (_recurrencePattern.Until != DateTime.MinValue) {
var until = _recurrencePattern.Until;
else if (_recurrencePattern.Count > 0) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Count) ? "times" : "time");
if (!IsFullyConvertible()) {
_text.Add("(~ approximate)");
return string.Join(' ', _text);
private static string DefaultDateFormatter(DateTime d) {
var utc = d.ToUniversalTime();
var year = utc.Year;
var month = MonthNames[utc.Month];
var day = utc.Day;
return $"{month} ${day}, ${year}";
private static string List<T>(IEnumerable<T> arr, Func<T, string> getText, string? finalDelim = null,
string delim = ",") {
static string DelimJoin(IReadOnlyList<string> array, string delimiter, string finalDelimiter) {
var list = "";
for (var i = 0; i < array.Count; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
if (i == array.Count - 1) {
list += $" {finalDelimiter} ";
else {
list += $"{delimiter} ";
list += array[i];
return list;
var strarr = arr.Select(getText).DefaultIfEmpty("").ToList();
if (finalDelim is not null) {
return DelimJoin(strarr, delim, finalDelim);
return strarr.Aggregate((x, y) => $"{x}{delim} {y}");
private static string MonthText(int m) {
return MonthNames[m - 1];
private static string Nth(int n) {
if (n == -1) {
return "last";
var npos = Math.Abs(n);
var nth = npos switch {
1 => npos + "st",
2 => npos + "nd",
3 => npos + "rd",
21 => npos + "st",
22 => npos + "nd",
23 => npos + "rd",
31 => npos + "st",
_ => npos + "th",
return n < 0 ? nth + " " + "last" : nth;
private static bool Plural(int n) => n % 100 != 1;
private static string WeekDayText(WeekDay r) => r.DayOfWeek.ToString();
private void ByHour() {
_text.Add(List(_recurrencePattern.ByHour, x => x.ToString(), "and"));
private void ByMonth() {
_text.Add(List(_recurrencePattern.ByMonth, MonthText, "and"));
private void ByMonthDay() {
if (_byWeekDay is { AllWeeks.Count: > 0 }) {
_text.Add(List(_byWeekDay.AllWeeks, WeekDayText, "or"));
_text.Add(List(_byMonthDay!, Nth, "or"));
else {
_text.Add("on the");
_text.Add(List(_byMonthDay!, Nth, "and"));
private void ByWeekDay() {
if (_byWeekDay is { AllWeeks.Count: > 0, IsWeekDays: false }) {
_text.Add(List(_byWeekDay.AllWeeks, WeekDayText));
if (_byWeekDay is { SomeWeeks.Count: > 0 }) {
if (_byWeekDay is { AllWeeks.Count: > 0 }) {
_text.Add("on the");
List(_byWeekDay.SomeWeeks, WeekDayText, "and");
private void Daily() {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
if (_byWeekDay is { IsWeekDays: true }) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "weekdays" : "weekday");
else {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "days" : "day");
if (_recurrencePattern.ByMonth.Count > 0) {
if (_byMonthDay is not null) {
else if (_byWeekDay is not null) {
else if (_recurrencePattern.ByHour.Count > 0) {
private void Hourly() {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "hours" : "hour");
private bool IsFullyConvertible() {
if (_recurrencePattern.Frequency switch {
FrequencyType.None => true,
FrequencyType.Secondly => true,
_ => false,
}) {
return false;
if (_recurrencePattern.Until != DateTime.MinValue && _recurrencePattern.Count > 0) {
return false;
return true;
private void Minutely() {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "minutes" : "minute");
private void Monthly() {
if (_recurrencePattern.ByMonth.Count > 0) {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
if (Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval)) {
else {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "months" : "month");
if (_byMonthDay is not null) {
else if (_byWeekDay is { IsWeekDays: true }) {
else {
private void Weekly() {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "weeks" : "week");
if (_byWeekDay is { IsWeekDays: true }) {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval == 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "weekdays" : "weekday");
else {
else if (_byWeekDay is { IsEveryDay: true }) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "days" : "day");
else {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval == 1) {
if (_recurrencePattern.ByMonth.Count > 0) {
if (_byMonthDay is not null) {
else if (_byWeekDay is not null) {
private void Yearly() {
if (_recurrencePattern.ByMonth.Count > 0) {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
else {
if (_recurrencePattern.Interval != 1) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.Interval) ? "years" : "year");
if (_byMonthDay is not null) {
else if (_byWeekDay is not null) {
if (_recurrencePattern.ByYearDay.Count > 0) {
_text.Add("on the");
_text.Add(List(_recurrencePattern.ByYearDay, Nth, "and"));
if (_recurrencePattern.ByWeekNo.Count > 0) {
_text.Add(Plural(_recurrencePattern.ByWeekNo.Count) ? "weeks" : "week");
_text.Add(List(_recurrencePattern.ByWeekNo, x => x.ToString(), "and"));
private record ByWeekDayRec(List<WeekDay> AllWeeks, List<WeekDay> SomeWeeks, bool IsWeekDays, bool IsEveryDay);
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