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Created July 24, 2019 10:56
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"""Adapted from Orange 2"""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def compute_critical_difference(avg_ranks, N, alpha="0.05", type="nemenyi"):
""" Returns critical difference for Nemenyi or Bonferroni-Dunn test
according to given alpha (either alpha="0.05" or alpha="0.1") for average
ranks and number of tested data sets N. Type can be either "nemenyi" for
for Nemenyi two tailed test or "bonferroni-dunn" for Bonferroni-Dunn test.
avg_ranks: np.ndarray
Should contain the average rank of each method. So if we have methods
1, 2, 3 and 4, there should be 4 entries in avranks.
N: int
The number of tested data sets.
k = len(avg_ranks)
d = {
("nemenyi", "0.05"): [0, 0, 1.959964, 2.343701, 2.569032, 2.727774,
2.849705, 2.94832, 3.030879, 3.101730, 3.163684,
3.218654, 3.268004, 3.312739, 3.353618, 3.39123,
3.426041, 3.458425, 3.488685, 3.517073, 3.543799],
("nemenyi", "0.1"): [0, 0, 1.644854, 2.052293, 2.291341, 2.459516,
2.588521, 2.692732, 2.779884, 2.854606, 2.919889,
2.977768, 3.029694, 3.076733, 3.119693, 3.159199,
3.195743, 3.229723, 3.261461, 3.291224, 3.319233],
("bonferroni-dunn", "0.05"): [0, 0, 1.960, 2.241, 2.394, 2.498, 2.576,
2.638, 2.690, 2.724, 2.773],
("bonferroni-dunn", "0.1"): [0, 0, 1.645, 1.960, 2.128, 2.241, 2.326,
2.394, 2.450, 2.498, 2.539],
q = d[(type, alpha)]
cd = q[k] * (k * (k + 1) / (6.0 * N)) ** 0.5
return cd
def graph_ranks(avranks, names, cd=None, cdmethod=None, lowv=None, highv=None, width=6, textspace=1, reverse=False, ax=None):
Draws a CD graph, which is used to display the differences in methods'
See Janez Demsar, Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over
Multiple Data Sets, 7(Jan):1--30, 2006.
Needs matplotlib to work.
:param avranks: List of average methods' ranks.
:param names: List of methods' names.
:param cd: Critical difference. Used for marking methods that whose
difference is not statistically significant.
:param lowv: The lowest shown rank, if None, use 1.
:param highv: The highest shown rank, if None, use len(avranks).
:param width: Width of the drawn figure in inches, default 6 in.
:param textspace: Space on figure sides left for the description
of methods, default 1 in.
:param reverse: If True, the lowest rank is on the right. Default\: False.
:param cdmethod: None by default. It can be an index of element in avranks
or or names which specifies the method which should be
marked with an interval.
def nth(l, n):
Returns only nth elemnt in a list.
n = lloc(l, n)
return [ a[n] for a in l ]
def lloc(l, n):
List location in list of list structure.
Enable the use of negative locations:
-1 is the last element, -2 second last...
if n < 0:
return len(l[0]) + n
return n
def mxrange(lr):
Multiple xranges. Can be used to traverse matrices.
This function is very slow due to unknown number of
>>> mxrange([3,5])
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]
>>> mxrange([[3,5,1],[9,0,-3]])
[(3, 9), (3, 6), (3, 3), (4, 9), (4, 6), (4, 3)]
if not len(lr):
yield ()
#it can work with single numbers
index = lr[0]
if type(1) == type(index):
index = [ index ]
for a in range(*index):
for b in mxrange(lr[1:]):
yield tuple([a] + list(b))
sums = avranks
tempsort = sorted([(a, i) for i, a in enumerate(sums)], reverse=reverse)
ssums = nth(tempsort, 0)
sortidx = nth(tempsort, 1)
nnames = [names[x] for x in sortidx]
if lowv is None:
lowv = min(1, int(np.floor(min(ssums))))
if highv is None:
highv = max(len(avranks), int(np.ceil(max(ssums))))
cline = 0.4
k = len(sums)
lines = None
linesblank = 0
scalewidth = width - 2 * textspace
def rankpos(rank):
if not reverse:
a = rank - lowv
a = highv - rank
return textspace + scalewidth / (highv - lowv) * a
distanceh = 0.25
if cd and cdmethod is None:
#get pairs of non significant methods
def get_lines(sums, hsd):
#get all pairs
lsums = len(sums)
allpairs = [ (i, j) for i, j in mxrange([[lsums], [lsums]]) if j > i ]
#remove not significant
notSig = [ (i, j) for i, j in allpairs if abs(sums[i] - sums[j]) <= hsd ]
#keep only longest
def no_longer(param, notSig):
i, j = param
for i1, j1 in notSig:
if (i1 <= i and j1 > j) or (i1 < i and j1 >= j):
return False
return True
longest = [ (i, j) for i, j in notSig if no_longer((i, j), notSig) ]
return longest
lines = get_lines(ssums, cd)
linesblank = 0.2 + 0.2 + (len(lines) - 1) * 0.1
#add scale
distanceh = 0.25
cline += distanceh
#calculate height needed height of an image
minnotsignificant = max(2 * 0.2, linesblank)
height = cline + ((k + 1) / 2) * 0.2 + minnotsignificant
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
hf = 1. / height # height factor
wf = 1. / width
def hfl(l):
return [ a * hf for a in l ]
def wfl(l):
return [ a * wf for a in l ]
# Upper left corner is (0,0).
ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], c="w")
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(1, 0)
def line(l, color='k', **kwargs):
Input is a list of pairs of points.
ax.plot(wfl(nth(l, 0)), hfl(nth(l, 1)), color=color, **kwargs)
def text(x, y, s, *args, **kwargs):
ax.text(wf * x, hf * y, s, *args, **kwargs)
line([(textspace, cline), (width - textspace, cline)], linewidth=0.7)
bigtick = 0.1
smalltick = 0.05
tick = None
for a in list(np.arange(lowv, highv, 0.5)) + [highv]:
tick = smalltick
if a == int(a): tick = bigtick
line([(rankpos(a), cline - tick / 2), (rankpos(a), cline)], linewidth=0.7)
for a in range(lowv, highv + 1):
text(rankpos(a), cline - tick / 2 - 0.05, str(a), ha="center", va="bottom")
k = len(ssums)
for i in range((k + 1) // 2):
chei = cline + minnotsignificant + i * 0.2
line([(rankpos(ssums[i]), cline), (rankpos(ssums[i]), chei), (textspace - 0.1, chei)], linewidth=0.7)
text(textspace - 0.2, chei, nnames[i], ha="right", va="center")
for i in range((k + 1) // 2, k):
chei = cline + minnotsignificant + (k - i - 1) * 0.2
line([(rankpos(ssums[i]), cline), (rankpos(ssums[i]), chei), (textspace + scalewidth + 0.1, chei)], linewidth=0.7)
text(textspace + scalewidth + 0.2, chei, nnames[i], ha="left", va="center")
if cd and cdmethod is None:
#upper scale
if not reverse:
begin, end = rankpos(lowv), rankpos(lowv + cd)
begin, end = rankpos(highv), rankpos(highv - cd)
line([(begin, distanceh), (end, distanceh)], linewidth=0.7)
line([(begin, distanceh + bigtick / 2), (begin, distanceh - bigtick / 2)], linewidth=0.7)
line([(end, distanceh + bigtick / 2), (end, distanceh - bigtick / 2)], linewidth=0.7)
text((begin + end) / 2, distanceh - 0.05, "CD", ha="center", va="bottom")
#non significance lines
def draw_lines(lines, side=0.05, height=0.1):
start = cline + 0.2
for l, r in lines:
line([(rankpos(ssums[l]) - side, start), (rankpos(ssums[r]) + side, start)], linewidth=2.5)
start += height
elif cd:
begin = rankpos(avranks[cdmethod] - cd)
end = rankpos(avranks[cdmethod] + cd)
line([(begin, cline), (end, cline)], linewidth=2.5)
line([(begin, cline + bigtick / 2), (begin, cline - bigtick / 2)], linewidth=2.5)
line([(end, cline + bigtick / 2), (end, cline - bigtick / 2)], linewidth=2.5)
return ax
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