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Last active June 12, 2024 16:09
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import numpy as np
def entropy(p):
"""Compute the Shannon entropy of a distribution.
The Shannon entropy is defined as follows
:math:`\sum_x p(x_i) * \log p(x_i)`.
p : np.ndarray
>>> distribution = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.5])
>>> entropy(distribution)
assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray), '`p` must be a numpy array'
assert np.isclose(np.sum(p), 1.), '`p` must be a probability distribution'
p = p[np.nonzero(p)]
return np.sum(-p * np.log2(p))
def kl_divergence(p, q):
"""Compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions.
The KL divergence is defined as
:math:`D_{KL}(p, q) = \sum_x p(x_i) * (\log p(x_i) - \log q(x_i))`
which can be rewritten as
:math:`D_{KL}(p, q) = \sum_x p(x_i) * \log \frac{p(x_i)}{q(x_i)}`
and is computationally more conventient.
Some interesting properties of the KL divergence:
- The KL divergence is always non-negative, i.e.
:math:`D_{KL}(p, q) \geq 0`.
- The KL divergence is additive for independent distributions, i.e.
:math:`D_{KL}(P, Q) = D_{KL}(P_1, Q_1) + D_{KL}(P_2, Q_2)`.
p : np.ndarray
q : np.ndarray
>>> p = np.array([0.7, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05])
>>> q = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.7])
>>> kl_divergence(p, q)
assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray), '`p` must be a numpy array'
assert np.isclose(np.sum(p), 1.), '`p` must be a probability distribution'
assert isinstance(q, np.ndarray), '`q` must be a numpy array'
assert np.isclose(np.sum(q), 1.), '`q` must be a probability distribution'
# Define the zero masks for P and Q and ignore them during computation
q_mask, p_mask = q == 0, p == 0
# The implication `p => q` is equivalent to `not p or q`
assert all(~q_mask | p_mask), 'The KL divergence is defined iif Q(x)=0 implies P(x)=0'
p, q = p[~p_mask], q[~q_mask]
return np.sum(p * np.log2(p / q))
def symmetric_kl_divergence(p, q):
"""The symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence.
Kullback and Leibler themselves defined the symmetric divergence as
:math:`D_{KL}(p, q) + D_{KL}(q, p)`.
return kl_divergence(p, q) + kl_divergence(q, p)
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