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Created September 12, 2017 14:58
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from functools import reduce
from typing import Iterable, Dict, List, Union, Optional
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from data_provider import get_talks
class TokenizedDocument(Counter):
def __init__(self, items: Union[str, List[str]], *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(items, str):
items = items.lower().split(' ')
super().__init__(items, *args, **kwargs)
self.n_words = len(items)
self.__max_term_frequency = None
def boolean_term_frequency(self, term: str) -> float:
return float(self[term] > 0)
def term_frequency(self, term: str) -> float:
return self[term]
def relative_term_frequency(self, term: str) -> float:
return self[term] / self.n_words
def sublinear_tf_scaling(self, term: str) -> float:
return 1 + np.log(self[term]) if self[term] else 0
def maximum_tf_normalization(self, term: str, k: Optional[float] = 0.4) -> float:
if self.__max_term_frequency is None:
self.__max_term_frequency = max(map(self.term_frequency, self.keys()))
return k + ((1 - k) * self.term_frequency(term) / self.__max_term_frequency)
def jaccard_similarity(collection_1: Iterable[str], collection_2: Iterable[str]) -> float:
collection_1, collection_2 = set(collection_1), set(collection_2)
return len(collection_1 & collection_2) / len(collection_1 | collection_2)
def inverse_document_frequencies(
tokenized_documents: List[TokenizedDocument],
) -> Dict[str, float]:
idf_values = {}
all_tokens = reduce(lambda acc, doc: acc | set(doc), tokenized_documents, set())
n_documents = len(tokenized_documents)
for token in all_tokens:
contains_tokens = map(lambda doc: token in doc, tokenized_documents)
idf_values[token] = 1 + np.log(n_documents / (1 + sum(contains_tokens)))
return idf_values
def tfidf(documents: List[str]) -> np.ndarray:
tokenized_documents = [TokenizedDocument(document) for document in documents]
idf = inverse_document_frequencies(tokenized_documents)
return np.array([
[document.sublinear_tf_scaling(term) * idf[term] for term in idf.keys()]
for document in tokenized_documents
], dtype=np.float)
def pairwise_cosine_similarity(matrix: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Compute the pariwise cosine similarity of the rows in a given matrix.
# Compute the base similarity
similarity =
# Compute the squared magnitude of preferrence vectors
square_magnitude = np.diag(similarity)
inverse_squared_magnitue = 1 / square_magnitude
inverse_squared_magnitue[np.isinf(inverse_squared_magnitue)] = 0
inverse_magnitude = np.sqrt(inverse_squared_magnitue)
cosine = similarity * inverse_magnitude
cosine = cosine.T * inverse_magnitude
return cosine
data = get_talks()
documents = data['transcript'].iloc[:300].tolist()
embeddings = tfidf(documents)
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