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Last active October 8, 2020 19:37
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Article: The OOP has been explained wrongly to you
class WashingService {
private static final BigDecimal MAX_LAUNDRY_WEIGHT = BigDecimal.valueOf(7);
Collection<LaundryElement> washWool(WashingMachine washingMachine,
Collection<LaundryElement> laundry,
Integer spinSpeed,
Integer temperature) {
List<LaundryElement> laundryToBeDone = maximumLoadFrom(laundry, WOOL);
if (spinSpeed >= 0 && spinSpeed <= 400) {
} else {
if (temperature >= 0 && temperature <= 40) {
} else {
return washingMachine.getLaundry();
Collection<LaundryElement> washCotton(WashingMachine washingMachine, Collection<LaundryElement> laundry, Integer spinSpeed, Integer temperature) {
// similar implementation as in washWool
Collection<LaundryElement> washSilk(WashingMachine washingMachine, Collection<LaundryElement> laundry, Integer spinSpeed, Integer temperature) {
// similar implementation as in washWool
private List<LaundryElement> maximumLoadFrom(Collection<LaundryElement> laundry,
Fabric fabricType) {
List<LaundryElement> laundryToBeDone = new ArrayList<>();
.filter(laundryElement -> laundryElement.getType().equals(fabricType))
.forEach(nextLaundryElement -> {
if (canFitAnotherLaundry(laundryToBeDone, nextLaundryElement)) {
return laundryToBeDone;
private boolean canFitAnotherLaundry(List<LaundryElement> laundryToBeDone,
LaundryElement nextLaundryElement) {
return totalWeightOf(laundryToBeDone).add(nextLaundryElement.getWeight())
.compareTo(MAX_LAUNDRY_WEIGHT) <= 0;
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