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Created May 4, 2021 03:04
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(work in progress) mypy errors from python-dateutil
dateutil/test/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Callable[[NotAValueClass, Any], Any]", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object, object], bool]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Optional[tzinfo]]", variable has type "struct_time")
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported operand types for - ("timedelta" and "None")
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported operand types for - ("None" and "timedelta")
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported left operand type for - ("None")
dateutil/tz/ note: Both left and right operands are unions
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_dst_offset"; maybe "_dst_base_offset"?
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_std_offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 of "dst" is incompatible with supertype "tzinfo"; supertype defines the argument type as "Optional[datetime]"
dateutil/tz/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
dateutil/tz/ note: See
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "None", expected "timedelta")
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_dst_abbr"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_std_abbr"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "transitions"
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported operand types for + ("datetime" and "None")
dateutil/tz/ note: Right operand is of type "Optional[timedelta]"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_std_offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_std_offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_dst_offset"; maybe "_dst_base_offset"?
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "_std_offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "hasdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "transitions"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "hasdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzrangebase" has no attribute "transitions"
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "float", variable has type "int")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, int]", variable has type "int")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, int]", variable has type "int")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, int]", variable has type "int")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, int]", variable has type "int")
dateutil/tz/ error: Module 'six.moves' has no attribute 'winreg'
dateutil/ error: Module 'six' has no attribute 'advance_iterator'
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tuple[int, ...]", variable has type "List[int]")
dateutil/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tuple[int, ...]", variable has type "List[int]")
dateutil/parser/ error: Need type annotation for 'TZOFFSET' (hint: "TZOFFSET: Dict[<type>, <type>] = ...")
dateutil/tz/ error: Cannot assign to a type
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "Type[tzwin]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "Type[tzwinlocal]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Module 'tarfile' has no attribute 'ExFileObject'
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 of "dst" is incompatible with supertype "tzinfo"; supertype defines the argument type as "Optional[datetime]"
dateutil/tz/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
dateutil/tz/ note: See
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "float" of "Union[timedelta, float, int]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "int" of "Union[timedelta, float, int]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 to "_get_supported_offset" has incompatible type "Union[timedelta, float, int]"; expected "Union[float, int]"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 of "dst" is incompatible with supertype "tzinfo"; supertype defines the argument type as "Optional[datetime]"
dateutil/tz/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
dateutil/tz/ note: See
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 to "_naive_is_dst" of "tzlocal" has incompatible type "Optional[datetime]"; expected "datetime"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 to "is_ambiguous" of "tzlocal" has incompatible type "Optional[datetime]"; expected "datetime"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 to "_fold" of "_tzinfo" has incompatible type "Optional[datetime]"; expected "datetime"
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "None" of "Union[Any, BytesIO, None]" has no attribute "name"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "dstoffset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "delta"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "abbr"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isstd"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isgmt"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_before"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_first"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_before"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_before"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "ttinfo_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_tzfile" has no attribute "trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: Module "datetime" is not valid as a type
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_list_utc"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_ttinfo_before"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_idx"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "offset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_trans_list"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "delta"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_ttinfo_dst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "isdst"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "dstoffset"
dateutil/tz/ error: "tzfile" has no attribute "_ttinfo_std"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_ttinfo" has no attribute "abbr"
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", base class "object" defined the type as "Callable[[object], int]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible import of "relativedelta" (imported name has type Module, local name has type "Type[relativedelta]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "int" of "Union[timedelta, int, None]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "None" of "Union[timedelta, int, None]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, Any]", variable has type "Union[timedelta, int, None]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "int" of "Union[timedelta, int, None]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "None" of "Union[timedelta, int, None]" has no attribute "total_seconds"
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[float, Any]", variable has type "Union[timedelta, int, None]")
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument "seconds" to "timedelta" has incompatible type "Union[timedelta, int]"; expected "float"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument "seconds" to "timedelta" has incompatible type "Union[timedelta, int]"; expected "float"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "relativedelta"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "SU"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "relativedelta"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "SU"
dateutil/tz/ error: Name 'parser' is not defined
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible import of "relativedelta" (imported name has type Module, local name has type "Type[relativedelta]")
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "month"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "month"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "weekday"
dateutil/tz/ error: Too many arguments for "__call__"
dateutil/tz/ error: "None" not callable
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "week"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "day"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "day"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "yday"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "yday"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "jyday"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "jyday"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "SU"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "SU"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "time"
dateutil/tz/ error: "_attr" has no attribute "time"
dateutil/tz/ error: "Type[relativedelta]" has no attribute "relativedelta"
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '_cachedate' (hint: "_cachedate: List[<type>] = ...")
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '_cachecomp' (hint: "_cachecomp: List[<type>] = ...")
dateutil/tz/ error: Value of type "_tzicalvtzcomp" is not indexable
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Optional[_tzicalvtzcomp]", expected "_tzicalvtzcomp")
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "None" of "Optional[rruleset]" has no attribute "before"
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 of "utcoffset" is incompatible with supertype "tzinfo"; supertype defines the argument type as "Optional[datetime]"
dateutil/tz/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
dateutil/tz/ note: See
dateutil/tz/ error: Argument 1 of "dst" is incompatible with supertype "tzinfo"; supertype defines the argument type as "Optional[datetime]"
dateutil/tz/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
dateutil/tz/ note: See
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Optional[str]", expected "str")
dateutil/tz/ error: Cannot determine type of '_s'
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ContextManager[StringIO]", variable has type "StringIO")
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '_vtz' (hint: "_vtz: Dict[<type>, <type>] = ...")
dateutil/tz/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Optional[Any]", expected "_tzicalvtz")
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for 'comps' (hint: "comps: List[<type>] = ...")
dateutil/tz/ error: Name 'rrule' is not defined
dateutil/tz/ error: Item "tzinfo" of "Union[tzinfo, Any]" has no attribute "is_ambiguous"
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported operand types for - ("timedelta" and "None")
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported operand types for - ("None" and "timedelta")
dateutil/tz/ error: Unsupported left operand type for - ("None")
dateutil/tz/ note: Both left and right operands are unions
dateutil/tz/ error: Name '_nullcontext' already defined (possibly by an import)
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '__instances'
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '__strong_cache'
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '__instances'
dateutil/tz/ error: Need type annotation for '__strong_cache'
dateutil/zoneinfo/ error: Need type annotation for '_CLASS_ZONE_INSTANCE' (hint: "_CLASS_ZONE_INSTANCE: List[<type>] = ...")
dateutil/parser/ error: Unsupported operand types for in ("Union[str, bytes]" and "str")
dateutil/parser/ error: Item "bytes" of "Union[str, bytes]" has no attribute "encode"
dateutil/parser/ error: Argument 1 to "__iadd__" of "list" has incompatible type "Union[List[Union[int, tzoffset]], List[Optional[int]], List[Union[int, tzutc]]]"; expected "Iterable[int]"
dateutil/parser/ error: Argument 1 to "datetime" has incompatible type "*List[int]"; expected "Optional[tzinfo]"
dateutil/parser/ error: Argument 1 to "datetime" has incompatible type "*List[int]"; expected "Optional[tzinfo]"
dateutil/parser/ error: On Python 3 '{}'.format(b'abc') produces "b'abc'", not 'abc'; use '{!r}'.format(b'abc') if this is desired behavior
dateutil/parser/ error: No overload variant of "__setitem__" of "list" matches argument types "int", "Union[tzutc, tzoffset]"
dateutil/parser/ note: Possible overload variants:
dateutil/parser/ note: def __setitem__(self, int, Optional[int]) -> None
dateutil/parser/ note: def __setitem__(self, slice, Iterable[Optional[int]]) -> None
dateutil/parser/ error: Cannot assign to a type
dateutil/parser/ error: Cannot assign to a type
dateutil/parser/ error: Cannot assign to a type
Found 184 errors in 11 files (checked 31 source files)
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