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Created December 19, 2017 07:20
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Solution to Day 19: A Series of Tubes
inp = open("demo_d19.txt").readlines()
inp = open("input_d19.txt").readlines()
#inp = [c for c in inp]
l = 0
i = 0
print 'Z',ord(inp[l][i])
while inp[l][i] != '|':
i += 1
print 'S:',l,i
packet = ''
direction_y = 1
direction_x = 0
r = 1
while True:
r += 1
if r % 100 == 0:
print r
l += direction_y
i += direction_x
#print l,i, inp[l][i]
if inp[l][i] == '|':
#direction_y = 1
elif inp[l][i] == '-':
elif inp[l][i] == '+':
print '+', r
if direction_y != 0:
#print 'p 1', inp[l][i+1], inp[l][i-1]
if inp[l][i+1] != ' ' :
#print 'i+1'
direction_x = 1
direction_y = 0
if inp[l][i-1] != ' ':
#print 'i-1'
direction_x = -1
direction_y = 0
elif direction_x != 0:
#print 'p 2'
if l < len(inp)-1 and inp[l+1][i] != ' ':
direction_x = 0
direction_y = 1
if l>0 and inp[l-1][i] != ' ':
direction_x = 0
direction_y = -1
#print 'Dir:', direction_y, direction_x
if inp[l][i] == ' ':
packet += inp[l][i]
print packet,len(packet), r, l, i
if r > 52055:
print packet
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