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Created December 18, 2017 08:50
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Solution to Day 18: Duet
inp = [
"set a 1",
"add a 2",
"mul a a",
"mod a 5",
"snd a",
"set a 0",
"rcv a",
"jgz a -1",
"set a 1",
"jgz a -2"]
inp = open('input_d18.txt','r').readlines()
regs = {'p':0}
last_freq = 0
pc = 0
import re
while True:
i = inp[pc]
print i
if i.startswith("set"):
m = re.match("set\s([a-z])\s(-?\d+)",i)
if m:
regs[] = int(
m = re.match("set\s([a-z])\s([a-z])",i)
regs[] = regs[]
if i.startswith("add"):
m = re.match("add\s([a-z])\s(-?\d+)",i)
regs[] += int(
if i.startswith("mul"):
m = re.match("mul\s([a-z])\s([a-z])",i)
if m:
regs[] *= regs[]
m = re.match("mul\s([a-z])\s(-?\d+)",i)
regs[] *= int(
if i.startswith("snd"):
m = re.match("snd\s([a-z])",i)
last_freq = regs[]
if i.startswith("mod"):
m = re.match("mod\s([a-z])\s(-?\d+)",i)
if m:
regs[] %= int(
m = re.match("mod\s([a-z])\s([a-z])",i)
regs[] %= regs[]
if i.startswith("rcv"):
m = re.match("rcv\s([a-z])",i)
if regs[] != 0:
print last_freq
if i.startswith("jgz"):
m = re.match("jgz\s([a-z])\s(-?\d+)",i)
if m:
if regs[] > 0:
pc += int(
m = re.match("jgz\s([a-z])\s([a-z])",i)
if regs[] > 0:
pc += regs[]
pc += 1
if pc >= len(inp):
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