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Last active November 25, 2016 21:31
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AEAD decryption process using AWS KMS & AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher
;; CAVEAT: Ensure your JDK/JRE is configured with Java Cryptography
;; Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
;; Visit
;; and look for "JCE".
;; Given a ciphertext (produced by AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher), a nonce,
;; and a KMS-encrypted content encrypting key (cek), here is the
;; process for producing the plaintext:
(defn b64dec [x] (javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter/parseBase64Binary x))
(defn b64enc [x] (javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter/printBase64Binary x))
(def kms (
(def gcm-param (javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec. 128 (b64dec "nonceNONCEnonceN")))
(def cek-ciphertext-bytes (b64dec "... elided base64 chars of encrypted CEK ..."))
(def cek-bytes
(.decrypt kms (doto (
(.setCiphertextBlob (java.nio.ByteBuffer/wrap cek-ciphertext-bytes)))))))
(def cek (javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec. cek-bytes "AES"))
(def cipher (javax.crypto.Cipher/getInstance "AES/GCM/NoPadding"))
(.init cipher javax.crypto.Cipher/DECRYPT_MODE cek gcm-param)
;; successful decryption:
(def ciphertext (b64dec "p2D6qwsnyqdUKYB7db8Gzj6WmxxRYrt11B81/06JcO8rG/AK/Tk5SLtkLNh/C6DL5XVP0LgQNOBGV52KJmbzuEzzLu4B+Bdmjs13vLxq8LnNHIH9NCcnxp4DkE+iNVv3N+qEoALmAxXxIi1W73QG4UeHJwWrdvJpm5bu/w/t3fpvoOdKYNCgiZZOEH9XPkNtSnWsPdJZoL6FSHU0qKNQyC/fvTk/o4+lsPGL+eMwLgPMDahIRoZAz5eoQU2gkWLNC+arY76sFjim"))
(.doFinal cipher ciphertext)
;; corrupted ciphertext by changing one character in the base64 repr:
(def ciphertext (b64dec "p2D6qwsnyqdUKYB7db8Gzj6WmxxRYrt11B81/06JcO8rG/AK/Tk5SLtkLNh/C6DL5XVP0LgQNOBGV52KJmbzuEzzLu4B+Bdmjs13vLxq8LnNHIH9NCcnxp4DkE+iNVv3N+qEoALmAxXxIi1W73QG4UeHJwWrdvJpm5bu/w/t3fpvoOdKYNCgiZZOEH9XPkNtSnWsPdJZoL6FSHU0qKNQyC/fvTk/o4+lsPGL+eMwLgPMDahIRoZAz5eoQU2gkWLNC+arY76sFjiM"))
(.doFinal cipher ciphertext)
> AEADBadTagException Tag mismatch! com.sun.crypto.provider.GaloisCounterMode.decryptFinal (
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